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I was drowning. I couldn't reach to the surface. Is this how I'm going to die? As I slowly lost my breath and began to close my eyes.

"Eunji. Eunji." someone familiar said.
There I see a familiar person........ D-Dad.

Then out of nowhere, someone pulled me up. A painful shot hit into my lungs as I inhale air.

Cough cough

As I was cough out water I realized who had help me up. It was L as he held me up.

"Are you okay?" he said concern.

"*cough* yes." I said very softly cause my throat hurt so bad.

As L help me to the shore, Naeun ran to me.

"Eunji, are you okay?" she said as she help me too.

I just nodded cause my throat still hurt. They bring me to a seat and put me down and put a towel over my shoulders. Naeun ran to get me some water. As she arrive and handed me some water. I took the water from her and drank some water. The cool water flush into my throat and smooth the dry lumps.

"Thank you." I said as my voice came back.

"No problem but are you feeling better." said Naeun.

"Yes, much better but I'll like to go change." I said as I slowly got up.

"Oh okay. Do you want me to come with?" she said.

"No, I'm okay." I said as I headed towards the hotel.

On the way there I became a little dizzy. I shook my head and began to walk on. As I was walking everything became blurry. I lean on the wall as I touch my head. I shake my head again and walk into my room. I change clothes and sat down on my bed.

Knock knock

"Who is it?" I said.

"It's me, Naeun." said Naeun.

I open the door.

"Naeun, what are you doing here?" I said.

"I came to check on you cause I was worried." she said.

"Awww thanks but I'm actually fine." I said.

"You sure?" she ask again.

"Yes." I said.

"Okay, the others are waiting for us." she said.

"Oh let's go then." I said.

We hurried along. There they waiting for us. It was getting late, the sun was setting. We started a BBQ. Everyone was doing something, I was sitting there waiting that's when Hoya came up to me.

"Are you okay?" He ask.

"I'm okay." I said.

" Let's eat you guys. The food is ready now, come and get before the food gets burn." said Sungjong.

We all headed towards the food. I was behind everyone. We ate by the gill. It was delicious, there was pork and beef. Out of nowhere I start to become dizzy again. I shake my head again. Naeun notice me and look at me. I just smile trying to hide my dizziness. I shove food into my mouth cause it was almost done. After we finish eat, we clean up and went to bed. We were going to headed back tomorrow. As we head into our room, we said goodnight to each other. There I see everyone went into their room and close the door behind them as I stand in front of the door. As the last person close the door, I turn around and headed down. I went to the beach, I took off my shoes and carry them. I walk along the shore. I faced toward the sea as the wave touch my feet, I lift my hands and took a deep breath. I'm going to miss being here. Out of nowhere a tiny familiar whisper into mind said Eunji...

Deep scars (Myungsoo and Eunji )Where stories live. Discover now