Bite mark

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Hi, sorry if haven't been updating. I been pretty busy with school but I hope you guys enjoy this chapter though.
Please excuse my grammar if I made mistakes.

I totally forgot about the incident that we bit each other hands. I look down at my hand and realize that my hand had a little dry blood on it, same goes with L's.

"Ummm nothing." I said as I hide my hand.

"Are you sure? I thought I saw some blooded on your hand." said Hoya.

"Oh that was a red marker." I lied.

"Oh okay." said Hoya as he nod his head.

Time for detention. Me and L stayed behind. While we were sitting. L kept throwing things at me.

"Yah." I said as I turn and grab the paper ball.

As I was about to throw back at him. Our teacher interrupt us.

"You two stop it! L go sit over there!" He said angrily.

As our teacher say at his desk doing his work. L still throw paper ball at me. The teacher looked up then back to his work. That was my chances I threw it back and hit him in the face.
We did that the whole time.


Our teacher looked at his phone and said " I have to go so you guys can leave now."as his hurried out the door.

I got up and about to leave. Hoya and them came in.

"Hurry up, L." said Sunggyu as they stood there waiting for him.

"What are you guys doing here?" L said as he got up.

"What you thought we would leave you. Never." Sunggyu said as they all smile.

L smile and walk towards them. They all mess with each other.

"Come on guys lets go and hang out!" said Woohyun.

That when Hoya notice me.

"Hi, Eunji. Want to join us?" he said.

"No thanks." I said.

"Please come on join us." he said once more.

"Nah." I said as I was about to leave.

"Oh Eunji, come and join us." said Sungjong as they noticed me.

"Yeah, come and join us." said Woohyun.

"No thanks." I said in a cold flat tone as I walk out of the doors.

I walked out the school's gates. I didn't feel like going home so I walked around. I saw some cute stuff but I couldn't afford it so I just window shop. I had some money but just enough for me to get food only. I started to become hungry so I went to eat. I went in to a small restaurant and order some food. I sat there waiting for the food. As I sat there, a group of people came in and they were loud but I didn't really pay attention to them. My food arrive, I began to eat, that when someone tap me on the shoulders. I turn to see Hoya. What is he doing here?

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