I'll Protect You

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I caught her just in time.

"Let go and ran for it." she said.

"No, I just got you back!" I said as tears starts to swell up.

"It okay. I don't have any regrets. I got to meet you and fallen in love you twice." she said looking deep into my eyes.

"No." I said as I shake my head.

He came closer to us and was above us as he pointed the gun down at us.

"Do you wish to die together or one of you two die." said that man.

"Let go." she said.

"No, let's go together!" I said.


"Don't do it." I said as I knew what he meant.

"Lets be together." he said as he jump off the cliff.

We held our each other hands tightly as we start falling of the cliff. As we fell, we hit water.


I busted out of the water as the rapid river moved me like crazy. Where did Eunji go?

"Eunji!" I yelled.

There I see her.

"MYUNGSOO" she yelled as she was drift away.

The current is too strong even swim to guide your way out. As the current push us down stream.

"Eunji, give me your hand." I said as I reach for her but the current pushed me.

Then I notice up ahead, my eyes widen to see a water fall. I started looking around to see something to grab on.

There, a tree branch. I grab onto it.

"Eunji, give me your hand!" I yelled to see her being push by the current.

I reach my hand out for her as she did the same. It slipped. We tried again. I got her as I pulled her towards me.

I pull her as I move us towards land. We got onto land as I got up and help her up.

The bad guy pov:

They both fall off the cliff.

Haha, perfect they both are for sure dead.

"Police!" said the police as they surround me.

That brat dare to call the cops on me!

"Surrender! You are surround!" they yelled.

"Never! I'm not going back!" I yelled as I see something that caught my eye.

"Try to catch me!" I yelled as I jump off the cliff.

Police pov:

He jump off the cliff, we all run towards the cliff. We look down to him on a ledge.

*Bang* as he shot at us.

He got up and hurry along the ledge.

"Hey, stop right there!" we yelled.

There we see the ledge lead downwards.

"We need a assistants to go down the cliff." we said to our walkies talkies.

The bad guy pov:

As I was hurrying down the ledge. It lead me to a river and land beside it. There I see them not dead. My anger rose up. I jump to land as I shot gun fire at them.


Myungsoo pulled me up then we heard gun fired. We turn to see HIM! Oh no.

"YOU two not dead yet!" He yelled in rage as he ran towards us.

"Hurry, Eunji! Let's go!" said Myungsoo as he grab my hand and pull me.

We ran as he shot gun fire at us.

"Can't ran anymore."I said exhausted.

"Just a little more." he said as he continue to drag me.

We ran through the forest as he continue to shot at us. Then I accidentally trip on a root.

"Oww." I said as my knee started bleeding.

He stop and help me up then continue to ran but I fell again.

"I can't ran anymore." I said.

Then he carry me as he ran. He was sweating and panting like crazy. I wipe his sweat then I see him catching up.

"Myungsoo, he catching up." I said scared.

"Don't worry. I said I'll protect you." he said.

"Put me down, I can ran." I said cause I noticed he tried and carry me is making it worst.

"It's fine." he said.

"I said let me down." I said.

He set me down as we ran.

Then he became tired and trip so we both fall on the ground.

"Don't move or you will die." he said.

We both frozen as we slowly turn to him. He just smirk as he aiming at us. I thought quickly as I grab dirt and threw it at him.

"UGH!" he yell as the dirt went in his eyes.

Myungsoo pulled me as we ran. We hide behind a big tree. We heard him as we held our breath. We didn't heard him so Myungsoo quietly and sneaky looked for the look out. Then out of nowhere someone hand were around me and pulled me as I felt a gun behind my back.

Myungsoo look back as I was being pulled away.

"Myungsoo!" I scream.

That man drag me away as Myungsoo went after us.

"Stop right here or she dies." he said as he point he gun at me.

I became super scared.

"Please don't. You wanted me so kill me and left her go." he said.

"HA, you expected me when I can see you suffer first before I kill you myself." he said.

"Police!" said the police officers as they surround us.

"Let go of her " yelled the police.

"I'll never would until I get what I want." he yelled.

Perfect chance as I bite his arm.

"OWWWWW! he yelled as he let go of me.

I ran towards Myungsoo.


"YOU little BRAT! YOU will PAY!" he yelled as he point the gun at Eunji then he pulled the trigger.

I jump in front of her as the bullet me on the back.

Deep scars (Myungsoo and Eunji )Where stories live. Discover now