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It was getting late but I still sat there on the bench looking at the sky. Then I heard people laughing. I looked to see group of guys who were messing around with each other. They looked kinda familiar. As they got closer, the more they looked familiar. I finally realized who they were. They were L and them (Sungjong, Sunggyu, Sungyeol, Hoya, Dongwoo, Woohyun) but no Naeun.

Hoya noticed me.

"Eunji, I thought you went home?" he said as they got closer to me.

"Well, I just came out again for some fresh air." I lied.

"Well now you're out again. Want to join us for dinner?" ask Sungjong.

"Where's Naeun? I thought you guys already went to eat?" I ask.

"Naeun is went to buy something. She be right back. After you left, we went shopping instead." said Woohyun.

Then Naeun appeared.

"Eunji? How did you get here? I thought you went home?" she said surprised.

"Came out for some fresh air again." I lied again.

"Naeun, invite Eunji to eat with us." said Sungjong.

"Oh yeah. Eunji come and join us." She said.

"Ahhhh no thanks." I said.

"Come on. Pleaseeeee." whined Naeun.

I just shook my head. Then Naeun link arms with me and drag me.

"Okay let's go!" She said.

We arrived to restaurant. We got sited, I sat by Naeun and L sat in front of me which irritated me. They open the menu and order everything, I just sat there doing nothing.

The food arrive, we ate the food right away. As I aim for the kimba, L stole the piece I was aiming for. I looked at L, who titled his head and try to act innocent. Which irritated me more. As I try to grab another piece, he stole it again. I gave him the evil eye. I try again, he did again but this time I stole back and shove it into my mouth.

I see L messing with Eunji. Which made me kinda jealous. Why doesn't he mess with me. I'm his girlfriend.

After we ate, I went home. I went to bed safety not beaten. I woke up and went downstairs.

"Where were you last night!? Huh! Trying to be a bad girl!" that man said as he grab my hair and threw me to the ground.

I got up and left for school. As I arrive to school, I didn't see Naeun of course because she told this morning that she be with her boyfriend and his friends. There I see Hoya. Which was strange?

"Hi." he said to me.

"Hi." I said back in a flat tone.

"Can I walk with you to class?" he ask.

"Sure." I reply.

"Why aren't you with the others?" I said.

"You mean Sunggyu and them?" he said.

"Yeah." I said.

"Well, I didn't feel like walking with them today." he said.

"I know this weird but can we be friends?" he said out of nowhere as he smile and stick out his hand.

I turn to him and looked at him with a shocked expression.

"What? Say that again?" I said still shocked.

"Can we be friends?" he said again.


"Let me think about it." I said.

"Okay." he said as he smiled.

"Umm I have to go to the restroom so I met you in class." I said.

"Okay see you." he said as he waved goodbye.

I went in the restroom. I wash my hands. I looked at the mirror. Can I trust him?

I have hard trusting people. I'm scared of getting hurt. I been through so much pain that I don't want to trust anyone, but only Naeun. Naeun is the only and first person I trust, that why friendship is very important to me.

I took a deep breath. He seem nice but is he trustworthy? I don't know.

I step out of the bathroom and bump into someone. It was L.

"Watch were you're going." he said.

"Yeah you too." I yelled back.

I was about to leave as L grab my waist and pulled me back.

"Let go." I said coldly.

"What you going to do about it." he said.

"This!" I said as I bit his handed.

"Owwwww!" he yelled as he released my hand.

"What was that for!" he said

"Well, you gave me permission." I said.

I walked away but he grab me again and pulled me. As he pulled me, our eyes meet. We looked into our eyes. Then he bit my hand.

"Owww." I said as I pulled my hand away.

"What was that for." I said.

"That what you get for biting me." he said.

"Yah!" I said but then the bell rang.

We both ran to class.

"You two are both late. Stand out there and I will have a word with you two after I finish attendance. " our teacher said angrily.

We both stood out of the door and waited.

"Look what you did." I hissed at him.

"Yeah looked what you did." he said back.

"No you." I said back.

"No you. " he said as he poke my head.

"Yah." I said as tried to kick him but I missed cause he dodge.

I tried again but he dodge again. I started chasing him, trying to kick him but he kept running away from me.

"You two stop now!" yelled our teacher from behind us.

We both stop and look at him.

"Detention! Both of you!" he yelled.

I gave him the look "looked what you did".

He just stick his tongue at me. I was about to said something but I stop myself.


I see Eunji and L mess with each other outside the door. Why he only mess with Eunji?


It's all his fault as I was taking notes in class. I gave L the cold stare the whole time.

Finally lunch arrive. I sat next to Hoya and L, which was the worst not Hoya but L, Naeun sat in front of us. I started eating my lunch. Then L stole a piece of my food! I turn and gave him a evil eye that scream out "YAH". He did the same thing he did when he stole that piece of kimba from me, he tilt his head and looked at me. I'm not letting this slid this time! Then I grab a piece of his food and shove into my mouth. After I finish chewing, I stick my tongue at him. Then he did again so I stole his food again. When he tried again, this time I block him and shove all my food into my mouth.

"What happened to you two's hands?" Hoya ask me and L.


So how was this chapter? I hope you guys liked it. Sorry if this chapter was kinda boring but please continue to read.

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