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"Why are you doing this to me? Your my dad's best friends and business partner." I said confused.

"Yeah and he didn't give me the business but to you!" he yell in anger as he grab Eunji and point the gun at Eunji.

"Please put your gun down and let us talk." I said.

"Never!" He yelled.

"Run, Myungsoo." said Eunji as she bite him.

"Owww, you brat!" he yelled as she escape from him.

As she ran towards me. I grab her hand as we ran off.

"Come back here!" he yelled as he ran after us.


Sunggyu and Sungjong at home, relaxing.

Woohyun and Sungyeol at the arcade, playing video games.

Dongwoo and Hoya at the store, buying food.

*DING* as they all looked at their phones.

At home~ Sunggyu and Sungjong looking up from their phone and to each other. They got up and ran out the door.

At the arcade~ Woohyun and Sungyeol looking up from their phone and then to each other and ran out the arcade.

At the store~ Dongwoo and Hoya looking up from their phone to each other and ran out the store.

Text says- Eunji in danger, call cops. ( address) and don't make it obvious that the cops are here or else something bad going to happen.

They all met up and began to run together as Sunggyu called the cops.

They accidentally bump into Naeun.

"What wrong? Why are you guys in a rush?" she ask.

"Eunji is in danger." said Hoya.

"What! I'm coming." she said as they hurried.


"Hurry, Eunji." I said as I help her run.

"Where do you think you two are going!" he yelled as he fired some gun shots.

We duck down as we ran.

Then we stop as we reach to a cliff. I put Eunji behind me as we slowly back away a little as he came forwards, pointing the gun at us.

"Don't do this." I said.

"It's all your fault!" he yelled.

"If you didn't live then I will own the business!" he yelled as he pulled the trigger but then Eunji block me.

As she was shot on the arm, she fell off the cliff. I grab her just in time.
She was hanging off the cliff as I held her tightly.


We made it to the destination with the cops. There we see men watching out for us. The police surround them and arrest them.

We didn't see them anywhere.

"Where are Eunji and L!" said Sunggyu.

"Umm, I don't know." they said.

"How you not know!" said Hoya as he grab one of them by the collar.

Then we heard as a gun shot coming that way so we and the cops ran that direction.


As I was holding Eunji.

He started walking closer to us because I started to heard his foot steps.

"Let go and run." said Eunji

"No." I said.

"Now die!" he said as he aim the gun at me.

"POLICE!" said some people.


He turn and see the police officers.

"You are surround so surrender." said the cops.

"Never!" he said.


"I can't hold any longer." she said as she wince in pain because I'm holding the side she got injure on.

"No, wait a little bit longer they are coming." I said.

"I can't." she said in pain.

"No, You have to keep on holding on, you can't leave me." I said as my eyes got teary.

"Give me your other hand." I said as I use my other hand to reach for her other hand.

She reach her other hand to me. I tried to grab it but it slipped.


As the guy was about to shoot, the police shot him on the arm as he fell to the ground. The police rush to him and hand cuffs him. We ran towards L and Eunji.


"Again." I said.

"I'm sorry but I can't hold any longer. I love you....." she said as her hand slip and started falling down the cliff.


That was it. Thank you for reading.

JK!! Please wait for the next chapter to see what happens next. Do they find her or not?.....

Deep scars (Myungsoo and Eunji )Where stories live. Discover now