Who Are They?

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They looked but pass by the alley, a big relief overwhelmed me as I poke my head out.

"There he is!" yelled someone behind me.

I look back to see a group them pointing at me as they ran towards me. I ran out of the alley as the other saw me as well and began to chase me too. I sprinted down the street as they chase me. I ran through the park. That's when I saw Eunji. What's she doing here?

"What are you doing here?" I said quickly as I reach to her.

"What are you talking about? You're the one who text me to meet you here." she said.

"What? No, I didn't." I said confused.

Then I started to hear them coming closer. I grab her and started to ran.

"What are you doing? Let go of me." she said.

I ignore her as I continue to drag her. I look back to see that they're catching up.

"What's going on? Who are they?" she ask.

"Tell you later but not right now." I said as we ran.


What the heck is going on! Why are these people chasing us? We ran through a alley. They start to catching up to us. One of them grab me. I tried to pull away but I couldn't.

"Let go of me!" I screamed.

Then L looked back to see me being pulled back by one of them so L punch that guy in the face. They all started to surround L as they began to fight. L was wining then two of them grab L and another started punching him. I looked around trying to find something to use as a weapon. They kept beating up L. I couldn't find anything. I have to think fast, got it. I went on my phone and found a police siren noise.

"Police!" I scream as I hit the button.


They all started to ran as a car stop and they all went in. I turn off the fake siren. L slowly walk towards me and stood in front of me. Then his head fell on to my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I ask concerned.

He didn't answer. I turn my head to look at him and I found out that he had fainted.

"Great." I said exhausted as I looked up at the sky.

I put his arm around my neck as I grab his hand and my other arm around him. I help him walk as I brought him to my house. I made him lean on the house as I open the door.

"What happened!" said auntie in shock as she hurry towards me.

She help me carry him into my room. We set him down as I cover him with the blanket.

"Whose this and what happen to him?" she ask.

"Long story." I said.

She was about to say something but I interrupted her.

"Let's take care of him first." I said.

"You're right." she said as she got her medicine.

She started applying medicine on his wounds. Then she lift up his shirt to see a giant wound on his stomach.

"Woah, looks like he got beaten pretty bad." she said.

"Scale 1 to 10." I said.

"Like maybe 5." she said.

"That bad." I said.

"Yeah." she said.

She finish applying medicine.

"So what happened." she said seriously.

"Ummm...." I said quietly.

I told her everything as I finished.

"So you don't know the whole story." she said.

"Yeah." I said uncomfortably.

"Well, I guess we have to wait until he wakes up." she said.

"Yeah." I said.

"Well, go and take care of him. I have to the store and buy some ingredients for dinner tonight." she said as she got her purse and headed towards the door.

"But I don't know what to-" I tried to finish my sentence but she already left the house.

Great, what should I do as I mess up my head.


I ran to the bedroom to check on him as he was tossing and turning. He was sweating like crazy. I wipe away his sweat as I just noticed he was super hot. I went to grab a cloth and soak it into water and squeeze out the extra water and place it on his forehead. He started breathing heavy and sweating. I grab another cloth and soak it in water and wipe his arms, face, and neck to keep him cool. Then he slowly started breathing normal and less sweating.


As I relax a bit.
Auntie finally came back. I help her cook dinner.
We finish eating as I went to check on him. He look fine so I went to the kitchen to help auntie clean up.


"Go to sleep. Don't worry I'll take care of him." I said to auntie.

"Okay, but call me anytime when you need me." she said as she went to her room.

*Yawn* as I cover my mouth and walk into the room.

Then he started to breath heavy again and sweating a lot. I touch his forehead, his temp started to raise again. I soak the cloth again and place it on his head.

Not again as I wipe away his sweat with a wet cloth to keep his temp down. I stay up all night, sitting on the ground next to the bed. I look at the time, it was 12 almost 1.

*yawn* as I cover my mouth and rub my eyes.

I touch his head to noticed his temp going down and back to normal.
I'll rest my eyes for a little bit then I'll stay up again as I put my arms on the bed and cross them. I lean my head on my arms as I slowly close my eyes.

Someone pov:

"What! How could you ruin the plan! How could you let him go!" yell the mid-age man in the suit.

"We are sorry, sir." said the person who chase L and Eunji.

"You're suppose to bring him here so we can make him disappear!" he yelled in anger as the other shiver in fear.


How was this chapter? Who are the people chase L and Eunji? Why do they want L to disappear? A mystery. Please wait for the next update.

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