On a trip

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It was dark, I couldn't see. I was screaming help but I guess people couldn't hear me. I tried to fight back but it didn't really work. Then I hear a car pulled in and the door opened.

"Hurry and put her in here." said someone.

They put me in car I guess because I heard the door closes. Then they removed the thing that was over my head. As I was trying to figure out where I was and what just happened, out of nowhere.

"Surprise!" they screamed.

I realized who they were, they were L and them with Naeun. I also noticed we are in a van, going somewhere.

"What is this all about!" I said angrily.

"We going on a trip!" yelled Naeun.

"What! I didn't agree to this." I said.

"That why we did this cause I knew you're going to say no." she said.

I gave her the cold stare and she just stick her tongue out at me.
*Sigh* I guess to late to late go home now as I turn to the front. I sat in the passenger side, I just realized who was driving. It was L. Great, I have to sit close to him. Why! I hate the sight of him. I turn away and looked at the window. Everyone fell asleep expect for me and L. They all looked so peaceful as I looked back to the front. We took the exit heading towards the beach. I noticed that L has the bite mark what I did to him, I guess it left a scar too. I guess L notice me looking at his hand that he said.....

"Now you see what you did to my hand. It's all your fault that I have a scar." he said coldly.

"That what you get it." I said coldly.

" I guess that what you get too." he said as he noticed my hands.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said as I hid my hands.

"Sure you don't know what I'm talking about." he said as he smirk and continuing to drive.

I looked out of the front window as I sigh angrily. Ugh, his face irritates me. Finally we arrive to the destination. We all got out of the van and grab our luggage. Naeun packed me clothes for me. There I see a beautiful beach. As we headed toward a hotel. Naeun and me linked arms as we headed towards the hotel. We waited inside as Sunggyu talks to the front desk. He came to us and he hand out our keys to our rooms. We headed towards our room, we all had our own rooms to ourselves. I open my room as I walk in I throw my luggage on the bed and ran to the balcony. I lean on the railing as I looked at the beautiful sea. I took a deep breath and lift my hands high in the sky.

Knock knock

I turn around and walk towards the door. I looked in the peep hole. It was Naeun, I open it.

"What's up, Naeun. " I said as I open the door.

" I come to ask you if you want to come with us." she said.

"Sure. Where are you guys going?" I said.

"Just going around town first then maybe going swimming later." she said.

"Sure I'll come. Let me freshen up first, I'll meet you down there." I said.

"Okay." she said.

I finish freshen up and wore the same clothes I wore before. I headed down. There I see them all waiting for me.

"Sorry for taking so long." I said.

"Is this why took you forever, just wearing that old ugly clothes." he said coldly.

"Well, there are some people who don't have money to buy experience clothes like others." I said sharply.

The truth is that I only have old clothes from what I had before like in high school so I wear the same clothes. No one buys me anything anymore. The only person who feeds me and buy me things is me. That why I spend so little amount of money to save for the rest of my life.

"Well, let's go." said Sunggyu as he try to change to subject.

We headed off. We walk around the town. The town was very pretty. We buy some snacks. Me and Naeun ran to stores to see cute stuffs. It was getting late so we headed back to the hotel. We ate in the hotel. We were in the lobby. After we finish headed to our rooms. It was to late to go swimming so we'll go another time. I open my door and headed inside. I went to take a shower. After I finished I walked toward the balcony. I looked out to the sea as I lean against the rails. *Sigh* This is so quiet and peaceful, I wish I can stay here forever.

"What's the matter with you?" said someone.

I turn to my right to see L from his balcony. Which was one balcony away from mines.

"Nothing. " I said coldly as I went inside.

The next morning, Naeun knock on my door and ask if I wanted to go with them again to see the other side of the town, we didn't see. I agree and got dress. I wear the clothes that Naeun packet for me. I headed downstairs, they were waiting. We headed out. This side of the town was pretty too but more street food which I liked. There was a big water fountain so me and Naeun ran towards it. I stand there looking at the water fountain with my hands behind my back. I slightly turn my head and there I see L taking a picture. What was he taking a picture of ?Me? I don't think so, maybe the fountain.


I looked at the photo I took.
(Here was the photo he took.👇🏻)


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After we finished exploring the town and finish eating breakfast. We headed back to go swimming. We change into our swimsuit and headed toward the sea. Me and Naeun ran into the water and we started splashing water to each other. Then we all started splashing each other. It was good to laugh. After we finish splashing each other, some of us went swimming and others went to play in the sand or suntan. I was one of the ones who went swimming. As I was swimming gracefully. Out of nowhere my legs start to cram up. I grab my leg as it cram up. My body couldn't hold up and I began to sink into the water.

How was this chapter? I really hope you guys like this chapter. I really hope you guys like this story too.
I will try my best to update quickly.

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