Oh No, Not Again

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As I force kiss her cause I couldn't take it anymore about not telling her that she is Eunji.
Then she fainted.

"Eunji?" I said as I softly hit her on the check trying to wake her up.

Stupid me, I over done it as I hit myself.

I carried her to the to my house. I put her on my bed.

I really do wish you will remember as I move some of the hair on her face.


I slowly open my eyes to see L by my side. I slowly sat up, that when L woke up cause I moved.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" I said softly that he didn't hear.

He got up.

"Sorry but last night. I'll go call your grandparent." he said as he was about to leave.

I grab his hand and pull him towards me. As he came towards me. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly.

"I missed you........" I whisper into his ear as one tear drop fell down my eye.

"Do.... you... remember..... everything..." he said very quiet and unbelievable.

"I'm sorry I took a while to remember....." I said as we stop hugging.

"Eunji!" he said as he threw his arms around me and hugged.

"Yes, it's me." I said as I smiled.

"I miss you so much." he said.

"Me too." I said.

"Oh, yeah I have your jacket and phone." I said.

"Who cares about that! You are more important!" he yells.

"Omg, I love you." I said as I pinch his checks.

"I love you too." he said as he lean in and kiss me.

~Later that day~

"Hi, Sunggu, Dongwoo, Sungjong, Sungyeol, Woohyun, and lastly my friend Hoya." I said as I arrive to school.

"Friend?" they said confuse as looked at Hoya.

"Yes, Hoya don't you remember? You ask me to be your friend." I said.

"I only ask Eunji...." he said softly.

"Yeah." I said as I smirk.

"Eunji!" they all said shocked.

"That's right." I said as they all ran up to me and hugged me.

"Umm, I can't breath." I said out of breath.

"Opps, sorry." they said as they broken up the hug.

"So you remember everything?" they said.

"Yes." I said as I nod.

"How?" they ask.

"Umm........ (Flash- Myungsoo grabbing me and kissed me )" I said as I looked at L and I started blushing.

Then I saw Naeun, walk pass us.

"Umm, I have to do something." I said as I went after Naeun.

"Hey." I said as I grab her.

"Oh, hi Ji Eun." she said.

I just smile, trying not to laugh.

"Actually my name is. Here let me write it on your hand." I said as I grab her hands.

Deep scars (Myungsoo and Eunji )Where stories live. Discover now