Heart borken

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"Well, I don't want to talk to you." she said so cutely as she pulled away but it looks something wrong cause she kept shaking her head.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask concern.

"Yes!" she said as she walked away from me.

Aish! How can I get closer to her!

Ji Eun:

Man, that guy what's his face. Oh yeah, L is so weird. Why do he keep bothering me. As I was walking to class, I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Sorry." I said as I looked up to see a beautiful girl.

"Eunji!?" she said as her eyes widen in shock.

"Sorry, but do I know you?" I ask confused.

"Eunji, is it really you?!" she still saying someone I don't know.

"Umm, sorry but I think you got the wrong person." I said still confused.

"Eunji, stop joking." she said.

"I'm sorry but I'm not lying. My name is Ji Eun." I said trying to clarify.

"Oh, I'm terrible sorry. You look like my friend that past away. Let's start all over. My name is Naeun. Nice to meet you." she said.

"Hi, my name is Ji Eun. I just transfer here a couple days ago, well actual I started school yesterday and I'm terrible sorry for your lose." I said.

"It alright. It's been a year. So you're the new student. How you like your classes and this school so far?" she said.

"Well, its been good, I guess." I said as I started thinking about that weird kid.

We talk the rest of the way to class. I said goodbye as I enter my class. She seem like a very nice girl.

Flash: "Eunji!" yelled a female voice as I turn to see her running towards me but a blurry face.

I touch my head as I shook my head.
Who was that girl running towards me and why was she calling that name? Who is Eunji?

As I walk towards my desk. There I see that kid, L. I sigh as I sat down.

"You sound like you hate me already." he said.

"It's a yes and no." I said.

"Can you tell me the reasons why?" he ask.

"Yes because you keep bothering me and keep staring at me for no reason. No because I rarely know you." I said.

Then I see him, Hoya. I stop and stare at him as he walked into class. He in our class! WHAT!

"What you like him or something?" said L.

I was silent.

"No...."I said as I was lying a little bit.

He kind of cute and he seem nice, I thought.

"So it's a yes." he said seriously.

"What's wrong with you." I said confused cause he seem anger.

"Nothing." he said sharply as he started doing his work.

What's wrong with him?

Then Hoya slowly got up and headed towards us. My heart started beating. As he slowly came to us, he pass me and went to L.

"Hey L , me and the gang are going to hang out. Want to come with?" he ask.

"Sure..." he said as he looked at me.

Deep scars (Myungsoo and Eunji )Where stories live. Discover now