Your highness

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The sun brightly shine in my eyes as I slowly woke up. I started to feel pain all over my body.
Where am I? As I looked around the room. Then I looked at my right to see Eunji sleeeping. I jump up in shocked, scratching my head confused.

She slowly woke up as she lift her head up and rub her eyes.

"How are you feeling?" she ask.

I totally forgot all my pain but it all came rushing back as I fell back down on the bed. A shots of pain all over my body as I move. I groan in pain. She rush to me.

"Are you okay?" she said concern.

"Yeah." I lied.

"Stop your lying." she said.

Then a mid-age lady appear a the doorway.

"How's he feeling?" she ask.

"Not so well." Eunji reply.

"No, I'm fine!" I yell back as I tried to get up but failed.

Everything hurts as I groan again.

"Stay put. I'll be right back with some medicine." said the lady as she disappear from the doorway.

I tried to get up again.

"Stop moving so much. You're not in good shape so stay still." she yell at me.

"Fine." I said grumpily as I lay still.


He finally stay still. Auntie came in and handed me the medicine.

"Why are you giving me this?" I ask confused.

"Well, someone has to cook breakfast so you have to feed him the medicine because he not in good shape to feed himself." she said as she left the room.

Great, as he looked at me. I got on the bed and started blowing the medicine.

"Say ahhhhh." I said as I scoop a spoon full of medicine.

He open his mouth as I put the spoon in his mouth. He made a face that said "disgusting". I chuckled quietly.

I finish giving him the medicine as I was about to leave.

"Thanks." he mutter.

"What did you say." I said as I did what he did to me last time.

"Thanks!" he said loudly.

"Yeah. Yeah." I said as I chuckled to myself and left the room.

When I arrive to the kitchen.

"Here you go." said auntie as she held up a bowl of porridge in front of me.

I looked at her confused.

"Well, go feed him some food now." she said.

"What!" I said loudly.

"Stop complaining. Now go." she said as she put the bowl into my hands and push me towards the bedroom.

"But...." I tried to finish specking but she push me into the room and close the door.

L looked at me. This is awkward. I slowly walk towards him. I place the bowl on the lamp stand as I help him up. I sat down on the edge of the bed. I scoop a spoon full of the porridge, I blown on the spoon full of food. I aim towards his mouth as he open his mouth. He just stare at me, which made me uncomfortable.

"What." I said.

"Nothing." he said as he continue to stare at me.

"Stop staring at me!" I said as I got tick off.

Deep scars (Myungsoo and Eunji )Where stories live. Discover now