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Chapter 3 // You Can Trust Me

     "So basically, you're my bodyguard?" you state, looking for confirmation.
     "Yes, but I'm not sure if I can trust you yet," Rick answers for Carl.
     "Oh. I see. Instead, you put me under watch. I hope you do realize that you may be putting your own son, own blood in danger here," you reply and look outside the window. "What an amazing choice."
     "Don't be smart with me. I know all of that, but he'll be able to handle it. He's strong," he responds firmly.
     "Relax Rick, she's just a child," Michonne defends you.
     "But you may not know what this child is capable of. She was out there," Rick says and ends the conversation there.
     You see the horizon. The crimson red sky with touches of pink and orange. The sun was a magnificent shade of dirty yellow. Something you've never seen before. A silhouette. It was a walker. Although it was far out in to the distance, you still spot it. You quickly roll down your window and aim for it, but the car was moving too fast. You take your chances and fire.
     The car halts and you see the walker drop. Head shot. You face the front and Rick glares at you as if he wants to say something. This time, Michonne was shocked. You shrug. It was the usual for you.
     "What did you do that for?" Rick says angrily.
     "It was just a walker. Chill," you respond casually.
     "You should've left it alone. There was no need to shoot it," he continues.
     "How did you learn to shoot that far?" Michonne asks. She looks at you curiously as if she was trying to figure you out. She waits for an answer. You lean forward.
     "I thought we were done with the questions," you reply coldly. You glance back at the dead corpse. It looks familiar. The weapon. It was a hammer. You gasp, finally realizing who it was. This catches the attention of everyone in the car and they all turn to face you. "The wolves. They're after Alexandria."
     With that said, Rick slams on the car petal and we start zooming. Clearly, he's not taking any chances. He doesn't know you, but he believes you. It makes you smile because you now know. You know he trusts you.
     The car comes to an abrupt stop. You could hear it. The screams. The terror. The shock. It was all coming from within the walls. We were late. Possibly too late. Walkers were already gathering, drawn by the amount of sound created. They were pushing the fence down. Succeeding. Everyone rushes inside without hesitation. Gunshots. Exchange of fire. Final words. It's war. You pull out your shotguns and kill everything in your path. Both dead and alive.
     "Judith," Rick gives out orders. "Run Carl. Take the girl with you and protect Judith."
     You don't understand. Just an hour ago, he didn't want you anywhere near Judith and now you have to protect her. Rick was confusing. Exactly like Carl. The feeling he gives you. It doesn't make any sense.
     Carl leads you to a house. It was big. He stops just before you reach the door. He was distracted by something. Taking the opportunity, you go inside. Carl doesn't follow. Immediately, you spot the obvious red stains leading upstairs. Footprints. You sprint as fast as you can and find hand prints on the pure white door. It was hard to miss. You make your way inside and there, you find a baby. You assume it's Judith. However, it doesn't stop there. A Wolve. He was holding on to the baby, ready to shoot her. She was crying non-stop. She knew something was wrong. He drew back his metal baseball bat.

 He drew back his metal baseball bat

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