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Chapter 14 // Secrets Spilled

     You rush to get up and the pain hits you hard. Flare laughs at your pain. She was always like that so you were used to it. You shake your head and attempt to ignore it, but you couldn't. You slowly make your way towards the door as Flare watches you struggle while chuckling. You send her a nasty look and she shrugs lightly, simply not giving a crap.
     "You like him, don't you?" she hits bull's eye.
     "No," you freeze. You can't accept it. Having a weak spot. It will only drag you further down. You stare right in to Flare's eyes intensely, giving her the blankest look you could muster. "He's stupid. That's why he almost died out there."
     "You mean on the battlefield?" she asks and you nod your head in response. "Alright, alright. The sooner you admit it, the fewer burdens you have to carry."
     "What's that supposed to mean?" you say, confused.
     "You're sure Carl's the stupid one?" she teases.
     "Flare!" you exclaim and she giggles.
     "Don't worry, you'll understand later on," she replies. "He's next door by the way."
     "Wait," you don't recognize the room. The wallpaper, the flooring, the windows. You haven't seen them before. It was all new. "Where-"
     "A nearby hotel. We found some medical supplies here. We had to stop because of your bullet wound. You were going to bleed to death if we didn't," she explains, reading your mind. "You were shot twice, what happened?"
     "I..." you finally understand. It was Carl. He distracted you. All of the thoughts that ran through your mind were about wanting to keep him safe. You look back at Flare before leaving. "I don't know."
     "The sooner you admit it..."
     "The less burden you have to carry," you finish. "You don't need to tell me twice."
     "Maybe you need to listen twice," she replies.
     With that, you leave. You quietly make your way towards the next room, using the help of the walls. When you entered, you notice no one was there. You figure it out. It was a set up. A trap. You twist the doorknob, but it doesn't open. Locked. You jiggle it for a while, but it doesn't budge. You begin to bang on it loudly.
      "Flare!" you scream. "Flare, help me out."
      "I can't let you go. Not until they come back," you hear her reply.
      "C'mon," you yell. "What do you mean 'not until they come back'? Don't tell me..."
      "I let them go," she says exactly what you imagined. "Is that what you want to hear?"
     "No! You couldn't have! You're smarter than that. I know you. If you let them go, they're not coming back," you scream as loud as you can, frustrated.
     "Why do you care? We've got the money," she responds. "Is it that kid you like? Carl?"
      She catches you off guard and you stop banging on the door. You slide down and land on the floor. You bruise your leg even more in the process, but you don't care. You keep telling yourself that over and over again. You can't care. You can't love.
     "Yes," you whisper and close your eyes, inhaling a large deep breath of fresh air to clear your brain.
      You'll end up murdering them. Because it's who you are. Who you're supposed to be. Who you're taught to be. Strong. Isn't it? That's your future, right? No. People can change. They change for the better or for the worse. It's a risk you have to take. In the end, it's change that makes you stronger. You smile. You've figured it out. You've done it.

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