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Chapter 16 // Fire + Fire = Burn

     "Great," you say sarcastically. "How about the hmmm... I don't know, gas? Did you manage to get what you went there for?"
      "Yes, that too," Flare replies, rolling her eyes.
      "Hey," Daryl was pissed, that's for sure. He grabs you by the collar, holding it tightly. You weren't the slightest bit intimidated. "Why don't you stop being such a bi-"
     "Why don't you stop being such a douche bag?" you fold your arms.
     "Shut up," Flare snaps. "Both of you. Daryl, let's go."
     Daryl looks at you with a deadly stare. He reluctantly lets go. Flare drags him in to a different room to calm him down. You sigh. Returning back to what you were doing, you pause to over view the whole situation.
     "Let's go," you say. "Let's go to the bank."
     "Look," Glenn tries to reason with you. "There's too many. We can't clear it. We've almost lost two of us. We're not all okay at the moment. We're-"
     "No," you interrupt him. You couldn't stand listening to his negativity anymore. "I ain't accepting that. There's too many? We've got a group and me. We can't clear it? You mean you can't clear it with that attitude. We've lost two of us? Nope, the last time I counted, it was only one of us. We're not all okay? That's because you're not thinking okay. Listen to your own bullshit that's spewing out of your mouth. Listen to it."
      Silence. It consumed the air. You were inhaling deep breaths, preventing yourself to explode anymore. Clap. Clap. Clap. You spin around. Spencer was clapping. The room erupted in to the noise of cheering. At first, you were confused.
     "Damn," you hear the familiar voice of you sister. "That was one hell of a motivational speech."
     "Well," Maggie agrees. "What are we waiting for?"
     "Yeah... let's go," Rick tells the group, smiling. He raises his voice. "Let's go!"
     "Dad?" Shit. You forgot about Carl. "You should go, I'll stay here. Don't worry about me."
     "Flare. You stay," you walk in to the next room and demand. She was busy talking to Daryl, but stops as soon as she sees you walk in. "You've got the earpiece if anything goes wrong."
     "Your leg," Flare points towards your injury.
     "Pass me crutches," you say, but instead she gives you two pieces of wood. "What is this?"
     "It's the closest thing we could find to it," Flare responds. "Just deal with it."
     "Alright, I will. You stay," you repeat. 
     "Fine, I'll do it. Just make sure you come back," Flare replies.
     "Will do," you look back at the other room, specifically in Carl's direction. "Promise."
     With that, you hop off. Once Flare was out of sight, you throw the crutches in a nearby set of bushes. You didn't need them anyways. You jump in to the RV with ease since you've had crutches before. You notice someone was missing straight away. Daryl. That prick. You make your way to Rick and tap him on the shoulder. He turns to you.
     "Where's Daryl?" you ask him. He should know. "Did he feel the need to stay back?"
      He nods his head. Coward. You sit down and look outside the window. It always entertained you when you were bored. As you zoom pass trees, you think about Flare. You put the pieces together. Flare started defending Daryl. He may still be with her at the moment. Flare left with Daryl to go in to the other room and she acted all weird when you walked in. It all clicked together. The signals. The sign. You start giggling.
     "Flare has found a boyfriend," you whisper.
     It felt good to let the cat out of the bag. You sigh. Now you know you're not alone. This group won't be abandoning us anytime soon. Unlike the others. You continue to grin stupidly as you think about it more.
     "What happened? Why you acting like that?" It was Sasha. "It's starting to freak me out."
You hesitate before you respond. Should you tell her?  You shake your head. Nahhh. Flare would definitely kill you. Instead, you turn to Sasha and smirk. Right when you were about to reply, you burst out laughing. Once you calm down, you say it.
     "Oh, it's nothing. Trust me."
     Trust me.

"     Trust me

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TWD: Just Another Boy to Discover (Carl x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now