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Chapter 29 // Only Extinguish TheFlames With A Fire Hydrant

     "Enough, that's enough," the words instantly add fuel to the fire.
     You quickly turn your head to face the owner of the voice. Ron. Shocked, you don't say a word. Ron had kept quiet this whole time. Why now? Something was not right. Something felt off. You look at him and wait for the kid to speak- anything that would explain his sudden unwanted entrance to your conversation. He just continues to stare off into the abyss.
     "Well..." you begin, impatient. "Speak, kid."
    "Shut the fuck up," Ron points his finger at you. Taken aback by his words, you grit your teeth in annoyance and out of anger. "Why do you care? What's your valid reason?"
     "For what?" you pretend to act stupid even though you know what he is talking about.
     "Why do you want Carl to notice you? He's nothing special," irritation was evident in his voice as he spoke about Carl. "I can treat you better. I can protect you better. I have the will power and strength to do so, yet you chose to side with this jerk. What's in it for you?"
     You pause for a moment to take in every single word. You let it all sink it. That's when you notice it. Ron hates Carl for only one significant reason. And that reason is you. You take a small breath and lock your jaw. Despite figuring it out, you continue to question Ron to confirm your inference. For some reason, you are not able to get it through your head. Ron likes you.
     "That...does not need an answer," you state simply, hoping he would get the memo and refrain from pushing deeper in to the topic.
     "Of fucking course it does! What you're saying is confusing and frightening the absolute shit out of everyone here! Pointing your gun around like it's nothing- firing at Enid like it's nothing even though she's already dead. What's the reason?"
     "Same goes for you. Why do you give a crap, Ron? The current situation clearly is not affecting you and to top it all off, your involvement is completely insignificant," you spit flames and end up burning him.
      "It's because...of you," that was it. Confirmation. Confirmation of your theory. You jaw drops slightly in disbelief. Ron avoids meeting your eyes out of embarrassment and rage.
     "You know what?" Rick finally decides to speak up and takes advantage of the sudden silence.      "We should get outta here before the walkers get in."
     "Well, you know what?" you throw his words right back at him. "We are stuck in while the walkers are out. How do you think we can manage to get our asses outta here without having another one of us go down?"
     "You..." Rick faces you. "Are going to get us out, safe and sound. You hear me?"
     "So now you're placing the blame on me? Forcing me to carry all that weight on my shoulders and still manage to stand on my own two feet? The one who saved you from the grave?" you scream, voice filled with pure hostility and brutality. However, they all know. They all know the truth. The real reason. "Or is it because you're not smart enough to figure it out?"
     The entire room enters complete silence once again. However, you still manage to hear it. A voice that stands out from the desperate, hungry moans and groans from the walkers. He was mumbling in a sick yet sweet tone. Ron. You strain your ears to listen. As soon as you pitch in, your eyes grow wide with concern. No, that's not right. Mind full of doubt, you try your best to deny the truth. That's not what you heard. It takes you a while, but you end up having to face the cold-hearted reality of this day and age. You end up having to face the most painful and life changing decision. You must kill him before it's too late.
     "An option- ," he was stopped mid-sentence. Those were his last words.
     You watch as Ron's lifeless body drops on to the pearl white carpet. It soaks in his blood, embracing it as if it was meant to be. You divert your attention to Carl who just stood there in utter shock. He eventually made eye contact with you, sending you a jolt of energy. He stares at you for a couple minutes with a confused expression, almost as if he was solving a puzzle. He then mouths two words. Two words that make your stomach erupt with butterflies. Two words that make you want more. Two words that also have you confused, yet happy.
     'Thank you'
     He knows. He knows exactly what Ron had mumbled. He knows exactly what his intentions were. He knows exactly why I did what I did. He understands you and placed all the missing pieces together to form the big picture. Thank you. 


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