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Chapter 17 // Pull The Damn Grenade

     "We've arrived," Glenn announces, staring at the back of the RV. He then looks at you. "Need help getting up?"
     "Nahhh," you reply, grabbing your crutches. You get up smoothly. You've done this before, it's easy. "See? I've got the hang of this."
     "I'm going to ask you one last time," Rick stops you before you could get off. "Are you absolutely sure you can handle this?"
     "Why you asking?" you look at him, trying to figure out his intentions. Why he asked. You catch him glancing down at your leg and you immediately catch on. You sigh. "It's not going to drag me down. I'm coming back. I promised."
     "How am I supposed to know that you will stay true to your word?" he presses.
     "Well," you start. "That's for me to know and you to find out."
     "Fine," he replies and allows you to pass through.
     You were surprised he let you through without any further questioning. You make your way to the front of the building. You could already hear it. The moans. The groans. The banging. They have spotted you through the glass. You laugh as they try their best to escape. Hundreds of them. For a moment, you feel that Glenn was right. We're not going to...no.
     "Bullshit," you say. "We may not have enough ammo to even create a dent."
     "Yeah, let's go back," Glenn replies instantly, almost as if he was waiting. Waiting for me to say that.
     "But," you glare at him as you pull it out. Another grenade. You had kept it just in case something went wrong back with the Hilltop tribe. "We have this. Prepare to be amazed! Stand back and watch the show!"
     Everyone follows orders. They stand back, far away. You giggle with delight as you launch the grenade. In an instant, the place lights up on fire. You smell the familiar scent of ash and burning flash. It plasters a smile on your face. You feel refreshed.
     "C'mon," you demand and walk straight in, shoulder sleeve covering your nose. "We ain't got all day."
     The group tails you in, killing any walker they could lay their eyes on. The safe. You found it. You rush over and bang on it just once. It opens on demand. You smirk. The lock was burned. The rest of the gang scurries in and Rick slams the door shut. You turn the lights on. Stacks of money. Heaps. Piles. Everything. You spin around joyfully as everyone packs what they can store in their duffel bags. Once full, Rick nods to Glenn. He opens the door on three and blasts his machine gun. Wait. You don't know about this.
     "Are you stupid?" you yell. "The machine gun will attract more. Are you trying to get us killed?"
     Glenn turns to you and says something. You couldn't understand over all the sound of gunshots. Everything then became slow motion. The walkers kept coming. You could hear the sound of your own breath. The more he killed, the more came. You run as fast as you can to the front of the line, but stop. Chills run down your spine and you shiver. You hear it. The scream. The scream of someone dying. Just before you could turn around to see who it is, Glenn takes your hand and makes a run for it.
     "Who?" you were in the RV, safe. "Who was it?"
     No one said a word. They just ignore you. You were getting pissed. More impatient. It grows, your anger increasing every moment. Eventually, you pull out your guns, daring to test the limit. This catches the attention of not only Rick, but Abraham. The driver. He halts the RV.
     "I'm gonna repeat myself once more and it's going to be final," you pant, still out of breath from the narrow escape. You press the gun against your own forehead. The soft, cold metal sends the shivers yet again. You withdraw your other one and place it gently on Sasha's head. By this time, everyone in the RV had their guns pulled out, ready to pull the trigger. The aura has changed drastically. "Who was it that you planned to kill?"

 "Who was it that you planned to kill?"     Click

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