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Chapter 28 // Big Or Small, Lies Are Lies

     The beautiful white sheets of the bed were now drizzled with blood. In your opinion, it looks better that way. The magnificent maroon color of Enid's blood. No one speaks or says a word. They all just took their sweet time to absorb the past event. She's gone now. Enid's dead for good. Satisfied, you smile. However, it disappears as you notice Carl slowly moving his hand away from her hands. He turns his head to face you and looks deep in to your eyes. You stare at him right back.
     "Why?" Carl speaks softly, sadness clearly portrayed in his voice. "Why did you have to do it?"
     "She was gonna die anyways. Might as well kill her now. Death is inevitable," you make sure to emphasize the last sentence. Death is inevitable. That's a fact. He stands up from his chair rapidly, making a loud noise. You could hear the walkers that heard it from outside the room. Their moans were only getting louder. "That's a fact."
     "You should've let me do it," his voice was filled with rage. "I should've been the one to do it."
     "And let you ruin my fun? Not gonna happen. Why? Is it because...you like her? After all I've done for you. After all the time I've spent helping you. You turn me away quickly as if I never mattered..." you pause and stop yourself from going any further. Not when everyone's watching. You change your interest to the floor.
     "I lied...," he says quietly.
     "About what?" your eyes shoot up from the floor and meet his.
     "About Enid..." he answers obediently. You could feel your heart beat quicken.
     "What do you-," you begin.
     "It's not her I like..." he interrupts. "It's you."
     "This...this is too much to handle," you think in silence while ignoring the groans getting louder with every minute that passes. You finally manage to open your mouth and express your honest opinion on the matter. "No, Carl. You don't like me. Enid's gone. She's really gone. Because of that, you're making yourself think that you like me. You're lying to yourself, Carl. You don't like me. You know what? I'm sick of this bullshit. I wish I never helped you..."
     You take a moment and inhale deeply. You squeeze your eyes shut, taking in everything. No one says anything- instead, they all watch the situation unfold. You exhale and open your eyes. As you do so, you slowly raise your black shotgun and point it towards Carl. He freezes on the spot, not knowing what to say or do. Gathering all the dignity you had left, you smirk.
     "I wish I never helped you..." you restate and shift your gun's position so that it is now pointed in Rick's direction. "Your father...your friend....your sister...."
     You go down the line and name every person in that room as well as their relationship with Carl. By the time you were done, you keep your gun pointed at Enid and withdraw your silver beauty. You maintain your aim at Enid and fire at her a couple more times. You laugh, carefree. You simply don't give a shit about the noise attracting more walkers outside. Out of pure bliss, you crack a smile. She's dead...she's really dead.
     "This bitch kept the gates wide open, as if she wanted all of us to die. She really hasn't only killed herself, but everyone she once 'loved'. She wants us to join her in hell. There's enough walkers that would be happy to, but with not enough ammo, we are gonna die. Here, at the expense of her stupid and foolish mistake," both of your guns run out of ammo and you drop them on to the velvet carpet. You look at Enid's lifeless body, now filled with bullet holes, blood gushing out of each wound. You can't help but smile at the masterpiece you've created. "What a masterpiece, isn't it? Despite this sight, you still like her...don't you, Carl? Look at her."
      You walk over to the side of the bed, bumping in to Carl's shoulder along the way. It sends electricity down your arm and a bit of a shock, but you chose to ignore the sensation. Now's not the time. You lift up Enid's ugly, hole-filled head and make it face Carl.
     "LOOK AT HER. THE WOMAN YOU ONCE LOVED. THE WOMAN THAT WAS ONCE ALIVE. THE WOMAN YOU COULD NOT PROTECT-" you spit at him, words acting like poison, sending daggers to his already broken heart. He's hurt. That's for sure. He continues to look at you, guilt written across his entire face, but he refuses to look at Enid.
     Enough? Enough my ass. 


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