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Chapter 27 // His Confession

     As you walk back towards the group, you think about what to say. Enid lays lifeless in your arms. You watch as the crowd of walkers begin to increase in numbers. Taking a deep breath, you continue towards the room. The moment you set foot inside, it goes silent. Everyone's eyes were not on you, but on the girl. You gently place her on a nearby bed.
     "Enid...," Carl speaks softly, breaking the obscure silence.
     You feel a pang of jealousy as he reaches over to hold her hand. He sweeps the hair from her face and you feel weak. Not being able to handle the emotions flowing all throughout your body, you turn around and exit the room. For the first time in a while, you feel hot tears in your eyes. It burns. Knowing that you're vulnerable. You hear the door creak open and shut. Immediately, you wipe your eyes and turn around to see who it is.
     "You never explained what happened...," Rick stops short when he sees your tear-stained face.      "Hey...you okay?"
     "Do I look okay?" you yell. "Do you think this whole situation went perfect? I mean...you got what you wanted, right? Negan's dead. That was the goal, right? People died, I get that. It happens all the time, but what I don't understand is why people- certain people, choose to express their true feeling for them while they're lying on their death bed, ready to reach hell. Let's be honest, none of us are going to heaven."
     "People do it as a sign of respect," Rick calmly addresses the issue. You scoff.
     "Respect? Respect for what? Oh, thanks for dying on me, really appreciate it!" you snap, mind exploding out of pure rage, voice dripping with sarcasm.
     "What happened...to Enid...wasn't your fault," Rick whispers.
     "That is not the issue. Is it sad that I wanted that dumb bitch to die? Is it bad?" you force yourself to look at Rick in the eye. Out of breath, you sigh. He likes her, not you. He's chosen Enid. "Forget it, forget it all. Forget every single word that just came out of my mouth."
     You did not notice the uncontrollable amount of tears spilling on to your soft cheeks until your vision went blurry. Rick stands there, not knowing what to say. He was taking his sweet time processing the situation. You take this time to walk back inside the room, wiping your face with the back of your hand. Carl was still in the same position. He was holding Enid's hand.
     Ron sits beside him, staring at her closed eyes and milk white skin. In the heat of the moment, you grab Carl's hand and pull him away from Enid. He doesn't seem to notice and keeps his eyes locked on to her face. You drag Carl into another room and slam him against the wall. He groans.
     "What the hell?" Carl says and you instantly regret it, but continue to keep a poker face.
     "Listen...Carl," you start, but fumble with your words.
     "What is it? What do you want from me now? I need to get back to Enid, she's dying-," he spits in a harsh tone.
     "Shhh...," you stop him by placing a finger on his lips. You finally hear it. The moans of walkers. You have limited time to tell him. "Carl..."
     You inhale sharply, ready to announce your feelings. Your heart beats one hundred times a second and you stare in to his beautiful, breath-taking eyes. He stares back and raises a brow, urging you to continue. You take one more deep breath and search for the right words to explain.
     "Enid...you like her, don't you," you say. It came out more like a statement rather than a question. He thinks for a moment, but then looks back at you. He slowly nods. "You do."
     "I do," he confirms and smirks.
     You feel it. Tears. Again. Just like the first time. You look away from his gaze and your blood begins to boil. If she's the reason why he doesn't like me, the solution is simple. She doesn't need to exist. You withdraw your gun and stalk towards the room. You hear Carl shout from behind you, but you chose to ignore him. No, not today. You burst in to the room and place your gun against Enid's forehead.
     "See you in hell, bitch."
     No one's going to heaven.

"     No one's going to heaven

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