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Chapter 20 // Crossfire

     Gunshots begin to fire. War was on. It's only the beginning. You take out your precious shotguns and start shooting left and right just like a video game. You dodged a handful of bullets. Suddenly, you hear a certain someone erupt in to laughter. Negan. Immediately, his crew stops firing when they hear him. However, you continue. There is no stop for war until it's won. That's when all hell breaks loose and Negan joins the battle.
     "I told you...I wouldn't do that if I were you," Negan repeats himself. "That was a second chance, but you blew it."
     You aim both of your shotguns directly at him. The white beauty was glistening in the light and your reflection was clearly noticeable. The only problem was that the fresh bright liquid was splattered all over it. The dark grace is as pitch black as always. The blood does not stain it because it's barely visible. Flare takes out the rest of the group. Negan shows no fear, but you are absolutely certain he feels it. Who is he without his group? Nothing but a bunch of leader wannabes.
     "Pass me the bat," you say, looking directly at him. The bat was his only weapon he had on him. "I don't give a shit if you gave me a second chance or not."
     "Ohhhh. You're so gonna regret this!" he emphasizes the word 'regret' and his annoying voice rings in your ears.
     "Shut up," you grit your teeth. As you were about to pull the trigger, Flare grabs a hold on to your gun. You look at her angrily. She shakes her head.
     "Not yet," she says and rolls her eyes. "We must ask him questions first."
     "You're lucky that you are still alive and not dead," you spit at him.
     "I'm lucky?" He stops to laugh. "More of us are coming your way. Good luck!"
     This time, you couldn't resist. You pull the trigger. The bullet hits him perfectly on the chest. He falls to the ground with a loud thud. You walk up to him and shoot a couple more bullets that land in his soft skull. You were having fun until Flare shakes your shoulder, making you miss a shot.
     "What?" you reply hastily. You hate missing shots. "Can't you see? I'm busy."
     "Glad you shot 'im," she says. "But there's more coming our way. It's time to roll."
     As if on cue, you hear the obnoxiously loud sound of the motorcycles signalling there are more breezing through the road. They were heading exactly towards the path you are currently on. You turn to Flare, expecting for her to be next to you, but she's all the way in the car. You shake your head. The war is not over yet.
     "I'm fighting them," you call Flare to come over.
     "We can't. They'll be too many this time. Can't you hear the bikes?" she states logically.
     They were coming closer and you were running out of ways to convince Flare to help you fight the battle. You sigh, ready to give in. Just then, you saw it. The way to win. The only way to come out victorious...is this C-4. You laugh wickedly as you plant it underneath a motorcycle. That way, they won't see it.
     "Time set...five minutes," you tell Flare as you run towards the car and hop in.
     Flare drives a reasonable distance away from the threat. Now all you could do was listen. The motorcycles come to a stop. Their roaring engines are no longer heard. You hear the unsatisfying yells of frustration. They had come as back up. Instead, they see their one and only leader dead. Suddenly, a blast of colourful and vibrant shades of yellow, orange and red fill the plain blue sky. It brings an end to the lives of the Saviours. You grin and look at Flare. She was grinning too.
      "We did it," she screams and starts her engine. Suddenly, you remember something important.
     "How are we going to tell Rick?" you question.
     "You're doing it. Just think of a way," Flare sighs as the engine spits.
     The engine finally responds and Flare rides the car smoothly. That's when you think of it. A way to tell Rick. You smirk and focus your attention to the window. Different shades, different heights, different trunks. You watch the trees zoom by.
     "You've got it yet?" Flare catches on.
     "Yes and it's nothing but the truth."


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