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Chapter 26 // Enid's Unimportant

     They check everything. Your pockets, your boots, your sleeves. They take your shotguns. No one says anything. The group keeps glancing over at you, knowing you were going to die. You avoid eye contact with everyone except Carl. Pain is written across his face.
     "Clear," the man says with your shotguns. He pushes you forward and you fall on to your knees.
     You keep your head down. Ryan's head was right in front of you, his eyes are closed and dripping with red blood. His skull peeking through his bright red flesh and jawbone was clearly visible through his skin. It sends chills down your spine because that is your future. The way you die.
     "Girlie," a man whispers with a deep voice. You turn around. It was a Savior with messy, muted red hair. His eyes were two different colours; one was light green while the other was a dark, rich olive green. He reminds you of Flare. "Take this."
     He stands behind you and slips your shotgun inside your knee high boot. For the first time this past hour, you smile. Negan is dead meat and will be a thing of the past. As soon as the check was finished, Negan lays his bat on your head. You grin and tilt your head so he can see you're not scared. At first, Negan was confused. He then shrugs and raises his bat, ready to strike.
As the bat comes down, the whole world slows down. You grab your gun and shoot. Head shot. Negan's corpse falls on to the floor and the loud thud echoes throughout the mall. Just to make sure, you fire a couple rounds of bullets in to his head. You smile as his blood splatters all over you. No one moves. No one believes the truth.
     "What are all y'all doing? Daydreaming? Get the girl, then her group!" the man with your other shotgun yells angrily at the rest of the Saviors, but someone shoots him before he could cock his gun.
     "She killed Negan. We are no longer prisoners tied to his every move, ready for Negan to kill off one of us when we make a mistake. We have nothing to fear anymore. It's over. We have won the fight. The fight to remain human. He's dead! Get the memo," it was the same man from before. The same man who gave you the gun. He turns to you and winks. "We are no longer Negan!"
      Silence. The next few minutes were silent. The Saviors were taking their sweet time to process the information. You hesitate before retrieving your other shotgun from the dead body. A Savior withdraws his gun and slowly raises it, however he shoots the ceiling. Just then, someone cheers. In a matter of seconds, everyone was cheering and you were hugged by a bunch of strange, muscular men. Finally, the same man with sexy red hair hugs you.
     "Thank you," you whisper in his ear.
     "No problemo. Flare told me you could do it," he winks at you again and rejoins the rest of his group.
     "Listen, I actually thought you weren't going to make it," Carl begins to say from behind you.
     "Carl..." you spin around and Carl intensely kisses you.
     You feel it shock you. Carl smiles as he does it again, deeper. You wrap your arm around his strong, broad back and tug on his hair. The kisses become more urgent. You don't stop him, instead you join in. Carl becomes more rough and needy and you can't stop. Suddenly, you hear someone clear their throat.
     "Get a room," Flare yells as she comes outside of the truck.
     Sheepishly, you let go of Carl and Rick sends you a look. Immediately, you wish it was only you and Carl. Rick holds on to Carl's shoulder and makes sure he doesn't do it again. You roll your eyes and walk away, daydreaming about it all. The sensation is still in your veins and you are still in heaven despite the dirty sins you've committed.
     "Let's go back to the Sanctuary and free everyone else!" a man says.
    "No," Rick states firmly, looking at him straight in to his eyes. "Don't tell anyone from your group...yet."
     "Why? There are plenty of girls about your age," the man whines and winks at Rick causing you to gag. He was clearly drunk and the man hiccups. "It'll be funnnnn."
     "There will be people who will kill if they learned Negan is dead. Some may even try to escape. Then, they'll die. Some may even commit suicide. No one knows what will happen next, so do not push it. Let's play the cards we have been dealt out correctly without any faults. We got lucky this time," Rick explains, eyes not leaving the drunken man.
     "Fine," the man slurs and slowly walks back to the truck. You hear a noise.
     "Silence," you yell. Everyone stops dead in their tracks. Walkers. There was a familiar moan of walkers. Shit. "How did you get inside through the fences?"
     "We ran them over," a Savoir replies.
     "Oh good lord, why now?" you run top speed towards Entrance #6. All you could see was a crowd of walkers clawing at the doors.
     Enid follows you as you walk to Entrance #1. She knows. You find large amounts of walkers clawing at the door. You sigh. Only one thing did not make sense. How did they get past the fence since it was electric?
     "Enid...NO!" you push her aside, but it was too late. The door was open and walkers begin to pool in. "Why?"
     "It's all my fault. I was at the fence and I turned the electricity off so I could climb it. I forgot to turn it back on," Enid's eyes were glistening and she wipes tears from her eyes with her sleeve as a walker attacks her.
      You try to shoot the walker. No ammo. You run, but you did not make it in time. Enid screams as the walker bites her forearm. You body check the walker in to the wall, as its whole body explodes with guts and intestines flying everywhere. It begins to rain blood for a while. You pick up Enid and run towards the second door. Each and every entrance has double doors. You make it outside in time and the tiny room fills with hungry walkers.
     Enid's bit. She won't last for long.

 She won't last for long

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