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Chapter 23 // One Hundred Isn't A Lucky Number

     "Approximately how many Saviors are going to be there?" Flare keeps pressing questions against Ryan.
     "More than you could ever imagine," Ryan responds.
     "No," you refuse to accept his answer. "We need a number."
     "One hundred," Ryan says. "At least."
     "How can we trust him?" Flare says. "We don't even know if he's speaking the truth."
     "His life's on the line," you defend him. "And he's got no choice."
     "Actually, I do," Ryan jumps in to the conversation. "I could've let you kill me a long time ago."
     "Why?" you finally understand. Negan never sent him out as a distraction. He came on his own will to help us. It all makes sense. There wasn't anyone with him either. Negan would've definitely sent out more people as a distraction. "Why did you do it?"
      "I saw what they did to my gang, the Unlucky Cats. They took away my girlfriend. Her freedom..." Ryan clenched his fist. "I don't even know if she died...she ran away before everything stared. I assumed Negan got to her first."
     "What'd they do?" you push him to tell you the whole story.
     "First, they found us. We encountered them on a run. The number one rule the Unlucky Cats had was to kill anyone with equal to or greater weapons and armory than us. We always helped those who had nothing..." Ryan pauses. He fumbles, but eventually pulls out a ring from his pocket. It was gold in colour and had undead cats engraved in to it. "We all had this. Except it was different for each one of us. One had a bracelet, the other a necklace. My girlfriend...she had an eye patch-"
      Flare slams on to the breaks. She looks directly at Ryan. She had something to say, but the words just didn't come out. You look puzzled. An eye patch. What's so important about a stupid eye patch? We're gonna be late god damnit.
      "What?" you snap. "The group back at the mall...we must-"
     "Black eye patch, gold embroidery, undead cats. Sonia. That's her right?" Flare finally speaks. Ryan looks at her with a stunned expression. "Right?"
     "How do you kno-" Ryan stops.
     "Chloe, Jade, Ivan and Dylan. They're all dead?" Flare doesn't start the car.
     "Negan," Ryan says that one word. One word sets Flare ablaze.
     Flare slams on to the gas pedal and the speed accelerates to maximum. She rode the streets like a professional racer. Flare keeps her eyes glued on to the road and ignores your questions. Ryan begins to laugh. You remove the belt from his neck and then remove his cuffs. Flare trusts him. If she does, so do you.
     "Explain to me. What just happened?" you poke Ryan's shoulders, hoping he'd give you answers.
     "On the same day Negan killed my gang, Sonia wasn't there. Ever since the war begun and she was chosen to train for it, she would focus more on that than Unlucky Cats. We would always ask her where she would disappear of to. She kept mentioning her sister, however I knew she didn't have one. So when Negan killed most of our gang, she wasn't there to witness it," Ryan explains.
     "Oh...oh," you suddenly realize.
     You understand now. Ryan. Flare. He just explained her past. Flare's past. Sonia wasn't there because she was with you. She was too busy helping you survive the war. Flare is Sonia. Sonia is Flare.
     "The eye patch...you must have it," you say.
     Flare looks directly at you. That's when you notice it. Her eyes. They were two different colours. The left one was a light green colour. It almost looks fake. Then you see her other eye. An olive green colour. A scar runs through it. She must've hid her right eye with the eye patch. Ryan and Flare never remembered each other at first because they both looked different. Flare used to wear an eye patch. Ryan never had a beard. The little and subtle differences change everything. Suddenly, the car hits something.

 Suddenly, the car hits something

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