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Chapter 21 // There Is No End

     "Stop," you tell Flare.
     She looks at you then slams the breaks. The car skids to a stop and your whole body jolts forward. Flare yells happily, refreshed and enjoying the moment. You glare at Flare and she snickers. Flare has no chill.
     "Pass me the bag," you say and point towards the black duffel bag loaded with cash. "The bag. Now."
     Flare whines and passes you the bag. You throw it over your shoulder and get out of the car. You slam the door behind you and take in a fresh, deep breath of cold, crisp air. You were standing on top of a bridge. The view was quite spectacular. The loud sound of waves crashing on the seashore relaxes your tensed muscles. The seagulls squawk nosily in the air. Suddenly a booming sound startles you. You immediately turn around and glare at Flare who had honked the horn.
     "Hurry up," Flare screams from the car, clearly impatient.
     "Okay, fine...asshole," you mumble underneath your breath.
     You smirk while launching the duffel bag into the ocean. It lands in the water with a loud splash. You watch tiny air bubbles form across the surface of the ocean. Satisfied, you jump back in the car and Flare speeds away.
      "Why'd you do it?" Flare breaks the silence.
     "I don't think this hell will ever end," you respond and watch a walker feed on new blood. "It won't and that's a fact. Keeping the money will only hold us down."
     "How can you be so sure?" Flare questions. You turn to face her. "We could've kept the money so that after all this shit is over, we would be rich."
     "Do you see a way out?" you initiate interrogation.
     "Do you think that every human in this world- or at least what's left of our race, has the ability to survive this?"
     "Do you feel like we can live a life full of just flesh-eating humans and rotting corpses of what's left?"
     "What do you mean? Yes? No, you're wrong," you inhale sharply.
     "Think again," Flare stops the car and looks at you directly in the eye. "Admit it, you've become weaker. Especially after you met him."
     Carl Grimes. That's who she was referring to. You know it. His ocean blue eyes, his chestnut colored hair, his lightly freckled face. Flare knows. She knows. She knows you love him. Yet, you can't seem to admit it. You can't seem to admit that you've fallen in love. You grew up thinking love makes you weaker, but you were wrong. It only makes you stronger. Flare is wrong. I've become stronger, not weaker.
     "Point proven," Flare states and she starts the engine again.
     "I don't know what you're talking about," you weakly deny, but Flare sees right through you.
     "Oh yes you do," Flare defends and begins to drive off. "As soon as I mentioned him, you thought about Carl."
     "No, I didn't," you shakes your head. Flare wasn't the least bit convinced.
     "His hazel brown eyes, his chestnut colored hair, his lightly freckled face," Flare recites. "Oh, I know all right. I know all about it."
     "Bit-" you begin.
     "Shut up," Flare interrupts. "At least I'm not the one daydreaming."
     You sigh and give up. From the corner of your eye, you witness Flare's smug look. Blood boiling, you slap her straight across the face. Just then, the car swiveled and you feel it hit a large bump signalling you've hit something. The engine begins to smoke as it was completely busted. You run outside to check what you hit. It wasn't something, it was someone and their identity was written right across their back.
     S. A. V. I. O. R. S.


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