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Chapter 12 // A Dart Ain't Got An Effect On Me

     The sky was a deep vibrant red. The sun peeked through the hills, only a bit of it was showing. It was almost gone. To replace the sun, there was the moon. Shinning silver. It stood out against the black canvas we call the midnight sky. White was sprinkled across the sky forming stars. To call the scene stunning was an understatement. It was eye captivating.
     The road long and twisted. It was easy to get lost, but you trust Flare to take care of things. After all, she was the one driving like the wind. Even though she was told to slow down, you knew she would not listen. You know her too well. Nothing will change her mind when she's set a goal. Eventually, we reach the Hilltop gang. Flare parks about a street away, closer to the woods.
     "Alright," Flare whispers. She didn't want to attract walkers. "Plan is...do as you're told."
     "How are we going to get in?" Rick asks.
     "By creating a distraction," you reply and pull out a grenade from your pocket. "It won't kill them."
     "But this one..." Flare plays with a smaller grenade. It was lethal and deadly. She tosses up in the air then catches it, simply not giving a shit. "It will kill them."
     "Distraction Squad is going to be," you start and look amongst the familiar faces. "Carol, Maggie, Spencer, Glenn and Abraham."
     You haven't taken the whole group. Most of the kids are safe at home with Jessie, Denise, Deanna, Tara and Eugene. Although you insisted no, Carl still came. You sigh and hand the grenade over to Abraham. He somehow convinced you. You don't know how. Even though you could say no to Enid, Carl was a different matter to sort out.
     "The rest of you, follow me," you demand.
     You want Carl nearby so that nothing happens to him. Just in case. Carl, Michonne, Rick, Daryl, Flare, Sasha, Rosita and Morgan follow your footsteps. Once you reach the front gate, you wait for a while. That's when you hear it. The explosion. The signal. Immediately, the two guards in front rush towards the wild fire. You smirk. The coast is clear.
     "Do you know where the money is hidden?" Michonne says as we pass through the entrance.
     "There's only one place they would keep their money," you look at Flare and she grins.
     "Gregory," she says.
     "Who's that?" Carl questions.
     "Nothing but a shit head that should die," Flare replies.
     "Stop right there!"
     You spin to your right. Five men. We could easily take them down on to their knees, begging for mercy. You withdraw your shotguns and without any hesitation, you kill. Something clicks in your brain.
     "Flare, keep going with the others," you instruct.
     "You sure?" she responds and hands you the small grenade.
     "Chillax, I've got this in the bag," you say and grab it. "Just be sure to contact me once everyone is secure and outta the gates."
      "Alright, alright," she agrees. "I'll see ya later then."
      Everyone obeys and begins to follow Flare. Everyone but one. You shake your head. A gunshot. You must continue. Another one. You can't let everyone down. Blood. It splatters messily everywhere. Carl. You couldn't tell whose it was. Instantly, you begin to panic. Yours. It was yours.
      "Run Carl!" you scream. "Don't stay!"
      A dart. It was injected in to your system. Your vision becomes hazy, hearing begins to ring. You know. You know that you are in no state to fight anymore. You hear your ear piece turn on. It was time.
      "We've got the money, everyone's at the RV."
      You smirk. The grenade. It was time to let it go. You launch it. 


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