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Chapter 7 // He's No Threat

     "Oh c'mon!" Flare yells. "How did you manage to get out?"
     "It was simple," it responds. "I have a grenade I want to test. It was just so easy to find it when everything was labelled just for me. Thanks."
     "Shut up. Don't go wasting my explosives like that," Flare replies angrily. You could see her jaw clench. "Come out or I'll shoot you dead. No mercy."
     "But you don't know where I am," it replies. "Nice attempt threatening me though. I was sooo scared!"
     "Found you," you aim for a wall. "Come out."
     "Aww...I was just having fun with your sister there," a man exposes himself. Flare immediately aims for him. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."
     "Put the gun dow'," a man with a crossbow says. You remember his name. Daryl. You lower your gun and he grabs Flare's gun. "He's got a han' grenade."
     "Ding, ding, ding! And the man with the weird ass hair gets it right!" the man remarks.
     "He's a Savior," Flare explains.
     "You mean the ones ruled by Negan?" you ask. She nods. "Shit."
     "That's right, baby!" the man replies chirpily.
     "What do you want?" Morgan interrupts.
     "What I want? For all of you to die," the man's laugh cracks. It turns in to a cough. "Negan's orders were to kill you both girls. Sorry about you guys. Looks like you have been dragged in to this. I'll kill you and strip all your goods. Only then it will become Negan's property permanently."
     "Take it," you say. "Take it all. See if I care."
     "Go ahead," Flare catches on to your idea. She finally noticed. "Just see if you can."
     "Thank you," the man responds.
     Those were his final words. You shot him and made sure he wasn't coming back. Gray smoke filled the air and everyone began to cough. You smile. Once it cleared, you got a good look at everyone to make sure they were okay. There was a mixture between confusion and relief amongst them all.
     "Asshole," Flare mutters and spits on the dead corpse.
     "What happened?" Sasha asks.
      "It was clearly a hand grenade. The physically visible exterior and design no doubt resembled it," Eugene says.
     "Shut up. Smarty pants," Flare replies. "Let's go."
     "We found decoys," you shrug.
     "Where?" Rick asks.
     You spin around to face him. Just before you were about to answer, Flare clamps your mouth. She shakes her head. No. You can't tell them who you were. You can't tell them what happened. What happened before everything.
     "Another time," you say when Flare finally lets go. "Let's eat first."
     We head towards the furniture store. There was a long dining table. Just enough for all of us to fit. Flare grabs food from the nearby department store. It was an all you can eat type of meal. Everything and anything you could eat was served. From Italian dishes to Greek. They all drink and eat while celebrating and cheering. It was a good day. A new experience for you. You like the group. That was for sure.
      "Alright guys," Flare announces, standing up on the table. She was clearly drunk. Once she got everyone's attention, she climbs down and stumbles over a couple chairs, but regains her balance. "It's time to sleeeep!"
     She tumbles down and drifts off to a deep sleep. We all laugh. It was funny seeing her like that. It was the first time in your entire life you've seen her drunk. It makes you feel happy. Daryl picks her up carries her to a nearby bed.
     "Kids in one room," Carol commands. "Sasha and Abraham, you take shift right now."
     "Wait. Well, there's a bit of an issue," you say.
     "What?" Carol replies.
     "There kinda aren't enough beds in one store."


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