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Chapter 30 // Guardian Angel

     Watching Ron suffer causes a large smile to form on your face. It feels good. It feels good to protect Carl. What Ron had mumbled was unjust and discriminatory. It baffled you and took you aback as well as off guard. His words. You know that Carl heard them too, but the others did not. The others might as well be called deaf and ignorant. Ron's aura was powerful enough for anyone within a couple meters radius to sense. However, people choose to listen for what they want to hear- and they make the decision to block out any form of corruption. Even though he was a part of the group, no one saw it coming which proves how unaware we all are.
     You pull your knife out of his body. It was the same knife you had kept in your left boot in case of emergencies and was only to be used during desperate times. However, once you fully removed the blade, you feel a sharp pain from a weak fist hit your cheek. Immediately, you turn to your right and hold your weapon against her throat.
     "Why did you punch me? I want a valid answer," you demand.
     "Why did you kill him? MY SON?" Jessie yells and walkers from outside begin to bang on the door loudly. It only gets worse. You release her from your grasp. "Ron..."


A voice that stands out from the desperate hungry moans and groans from the walkers. The words that follow are not pretty. They are sick and twisted to the core- like a brilliant red rose. It may look beautiful, but to pick it from the flowerbed leaves thorns pierced in to your skin as well as shame and regret- the two emotions humans have the ability to feel often regardless of any situation. The blood that leaks from the fresh injury stains your fingers, but the feeling it causes one to feel is indescribable. However, it was his voice that sends chills down your spine which only rubs salt on the wound- the wound from the red rose; the wound from Ron's words.

"Carl...what does she see in him? The good-for-nothing asshole that only sits on the prince's throne because his father is the leader, otherwise known as the king. I must stop him. He broke her heart so I must mend it. I must get revenge for her. I must do the one thing Carl can not- I must protect her. Carl deserves to die in the hands of the walkers. He doesn't need to live in this world any longer. He does not serve any purpose. I can fix her and make sure she ends up on my side by doing it- having Carl's blood on my body. I will make him feel the pain of his actions to the point where he will not be able to bear it any longer. He's going to die- he's going to kill himself and I'll make sure of it," Ron whispers and you take it all in slowly.

It takes you a while to figure out who he was talking about. Then, you realize it is you. The girl he wants is you. Just when you thought you had Ron figured out. Just when you thought you knew who he was, but for the first time in a while, you were wrong. Carl may be your bodyguard, but you are none other than his guardian angel. Carl's guardian angel.


     "Leave," Rick commands when you did not respond to Jessie's question. "I gave you several chances and all you did was fuck up."
     "Ron shouldn't have been killed," Jessie begins to let her tears flow freely. You snort knowing the reason. You can't tell them why- they won't believe you. It's no use.
     "Fine," you state simply. "I'll leave."
     "I'll escort her out," Carl offers. Rick turns to face him. He pauses for a while before continuing.
     "Okay, but make sure she goes," Rick says.
     "Don't worry, I will," Carl looks over at you and takes your hand.
     He pulls you into another room which contains an exit. Although the door is blocked by walkers, you have hope. You will survive. Even though Flare's not with you. Even though the chances are slim. Even though the odds are against your favor. You will make it.
     "Listen," you begin, but Carl interrupts. Your eyes grow wide as you register his movement.
     Carl leans in. He gently presses his soft lips against yours and you automatically close your eyes. He deepens the kiss and it becomes more urgent and greedy. You match his actions and add passion. You could feel him smile as your stomach turns and heart leaps with pure bliss. You savor every moment, not wanting it to end. Carl nibbles slightly on your bottom lip. You tug lightly on his hair and he pulls you in closer, closing the small gap. You finally get to taste him. Carl retracts slowly and your eyes flutter open. You miss his warmth. You didn't know how much you needed it until you had it, but now the opportunity is gone. You'll never get the chance to feel it ever again.
     "I love you," he whispers calmly in to your ear.
     Carl doesn't wait for you to speak. Instead, he lifts you up over his shoulder and you hear him open the one door in the room that leads to the exit. Confused, you begin to punch his back and order him to let go. At once, the starved walkers come to view, but you could only hear them. They begin to invade the area. Carl tosses you in to the pit of arms and broken limbs while pushing a familiar object in to your hand.
     "Good luck," he says before slamming the door shut.

      "Good luck," he says before slamming the door shut

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