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Chapter 5 // Trapped My Ass

      You shove Carl and Enid behind the coach. Then you put a finger on your lips, signalling them to be quiet. You hear the loud thuds of footsteps echoing all throughout the house. It was followed by moans and groans. The door slams shut. Trapped. You withdraw your gun and pop out from behind the coach.
     "Weapon on the floor. Now," the man turns around. A 'W' was clearly visible across his forehead. He places his axe down in front of him. "Good, slide it over."
     As soon as he slides the axe, you shoot him and make sure he won't be coming back. He's never coming back. The door begins to rattle. Moans were getting louder. Walkers. They're here. You hold on to your ear piece, turning the mic on.
     "Come in," you whisper. You glance back at Carl and Enid. They were standing up with alarmed faces. "I need you now."
     "Yes, what it is?" you hear the familiar voice respond. You sigh in relief. "It's the bus isn't it? You need me to bring it?"
     "Yes," you reply happily. "Be here in less than ten minutes."
     "Fine, will do," she agrees.
     "Grab Judith," you tell Carl. "We're getting outta here."
     "Who were you talking to just now?" Carl questions.
     "Don't test me," your mood switches and he rushes upstairs to get Judith.
     "How?" Enid asks. "There's too many walkers. We'll die trying."
     "Don't you worry. Leave it to me," you respond confidentially.
     Carl comes back down with Judith in his arms. She was still fast asleep. You hear the long noisy honk from the bus. It was our ride. Instantly, you bust the door open with a kick. Walkers begin to surround you. As you make your way to the bus, you kill them. Once it was safe, you signal Carl and Enid towards the bus as you continue to fire at the walkers. When they had made it, you hop on.
     "We picking up the others?" she asks, not fazed at all.
     "Yeah sure, why not," you reply cheerfully.
     "Who is that?" Carl questions.
     "Oh my god, Carl! How many questions are you going to ask me?" you say in annoyance.
     "I thought you didn't work with groups," he replies, ignoring your last statement.
     "She's not part of my group. She's family," you sigh. "I have a sister too, ya'know."
     She honks the horn loudly, not caring that she attracted all the nearby walkers. You see the door to the house fly open. Out comes Rick and fifteen other people. The bus starts to rock while walkers continue to bang on the windows. You hear the ear piercing cries from Judith. She had woken up. Carl tries his best to comfort her.
     "Great, just great," your sister mumbles and opens the bus door.
     "What do you think you're doing?" Enid runs to the front and tries to stop her, but she shrugs her off.
      "Sit down," your sister commands and a walker flings at her.
      "I don't take orders from you," Enid begins to argue. She kills the walker with her knife; fresh red blood sprays everywhere decorating the bus walls.
      "Then start to," your sister responds and pushes her on to a seat. She whips out her metal boomerang and throws it, slicing various walkers in the way. It creates a clear path for Rick and the others. "Run!"
       They sprint and make it inside the bus while you kill as many walkers possible with your shotgun. Once they were all there, you slam the door shut and your sister takes off. You could hear the soft crunches of multiple walkers that were once in front of the vehicle. She screams joyfully as they make it outside the walls.
     "Where are we going?" Rick asks, not bothering to say thank you.
     "Gee, no thanks? I saved your butt, you better thank me," you tease. "We're going to the mall."


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