| Author's Note |

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Wednesday, August 9th, 2017

Dear Reader,

It's up to you whether you want to read this long ass letter or not. It's your life, you decide. However, before you go, I want you to read the following couple of sentences. Trust me, it'll only take a minute.

I would like to officially thank all my readers and viewers as well as fans that stuck with me through this painfully long journey. There were a couple times where I felt like I should abandon the book, but your comments helped me get past writer's block and increase my determination to finish. On top of that, I'm surprised I made it this far and I'm glad that there are people out there in the world that enjoyed reading my crap as much as I loved writing. I want you, the reader, to pause for a moment and pat yourself on the back. Thank you, I appreciate your help. It may not seem like you did anything, but you made a significant difference in my life.

That is all, you may continue on with your lives or continue reading this letter.

Closing Thoughts

My opinion regarding the ending of the book is that I think I did a darn good job having the reader go through several emotions only to be thrown into a pit of walkers. I bet you didn't see that coming, did ya? I'm content with the way the book turned out. The personality of the reader is bad ass and sometimes, I wish I were her; an fearless fictional character that kicks butt- sounds like my type of gal which brings me to my next point. Throughout the book, I had the power to portray women in a different way. In most cliché fanfictions, it is usually the man protecting the woman. However, I wanted to switch up classic gender roles and make them modern. That's just how I role. The main reason as to why I fell in love with The Walking Dead in the first place is because of how every single character is strong and powerful despite their weaknesses. They learn to move forth and continue on.

Part 2 Requests and Updates

In all honesty, I feel like I left the book unfinished. Although I claimed that ~30~ was the ending, it does not feel as if I completed it. This makes me wonder...should I continue? That's up to you guys. Like I stated before, it was because of the readers and fellow followers that I continued the book. Although I have the ability to create another part, a huge role that comes with it are the readers and comments. When I feel like there is a need to write a second part, I will do so. When will I feel like it is necessary? I don't exactly know, but motivational comments seem to do the trick. Another thing I want to mention is that I will be creating images, videos and music to go along with each chapter. I don't know when it will be complete, but it is bound to happen. If you want to help, go ahead. Just private message me. No problemo. Meanwhile, you can click on my profile and read "TWD: Just Another Reason To Hold On (Daryl x Reader)". Or not. That's completely fine.

Guidance and Tips in Life

I am currently sick and I had the joy of resting yesterday for multiple hours. This helped me reflect on my Wattpad life. It's healthy to have a little time to yourself, even if it's in the shower. Reflecting can assist you when solving inevitable life issues and I suggest you try it. If you have the time now, take a moment to think about what you did in the past couple of hours. Now, ask yourself. Did you complete the task you wanted to finish? Have you set any goals for the day? Did you take the time to finish daily chores and activities? The most important question is this: are you satisfied with what you did today? Think about it. You don't have to answer the questions with paragraphs, but just think about it. Be honest with yourself because even if your brain denies the truth, your gut feeling will be brutally honest.

About the Author

Time to describe myself. Great. Just great. What to say? I am a painfully honest and straight forward person as well as down to Earth. I don't trust anyone unless I know about their past. Why? Because the events of the past can help determine the future. At least, that's what I think. For instance, maintaining a bad reputation will not have a beneficial impact on one's future. I also don't keep expectations because it hurts ten times worse when the situation doesn't meet the criteria. Anyways, I enjoy writing mainly action and romance books. Plot twists are the best. If you want to know more, read "The Rant Book (Since 2016)". Or not. That's completely fine.

Can't believe you made to the end. Congrats on wasting a good five minutes in your life when you could have been doing something more productive. I don't understand why you read this entire letter because I am a boring person and usually can't find the right words to describe how I feel, but thanks again.


TWD: Just Another Boy to Discover (Carl x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now