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Chapter 8 // Rick The Prick

     "Oh," Carol pauses to think. "How many beds are there?"
     "They're only three beds per store," you respond. "We just found the place like that."
     "After you cleared it?" Carol asks curiously.
     "Yes, it seems as if someone was here before it got invaded," you reply.
     "Alright then," Maggie says. "Ron and Sam, Carl and Judith, Enid and you."
     "No," you reply firmly. "I want to be with Judith."
     For some reason, it felt wrong. It is almost as if you shouldn't have said Judith. Instead, you should've said Carl. You shake your head to clear your thoughts. No, Judith is who you wanted. You try convincing yourself.
     "Carl and Judith," Rick says. "I won't allow you near Judith."
     "Oh my god," you face palm. "Who do you think saved Judith multiple times during the Wolves attack?"
      "I can take her," Enid says, clearly not wanting an argument to form. "It makes the most sense."
      Rick glares at Enid. Then, he looks at you. It was as if he was choosing favorites. You roll your eyes. You save his ass, yet he still won't allow you near Judith. There was a long silence as he thought about Enid's offer. He finally comes to a conclusion.
     "Fine, take good care of her," Rick says.
     "P. R. I. C. K. PRICK!" you spit.
     "I promise," Enid replies. They both ignore your remark. Rick walks off with the others to their store. That leaves...you and Carl. Together. Sleeping together. "Let's go."
     "Hold on," you stop the mini gang. "I'm sleeping with my own bodyguard?"
     "Yes," Enid replies.
     "Let's just go before the lights are out," Ron says, yawning.
     You nod your head and follow the group. They were choosing a store. Finally, the settle with one and you get first pick on beds. You lie down on your side and pull the blankets over your body. Not once do you look at Carl. The moonlight shines through the window as your heart begins to beat faster.
      "Hey," you hear Carl whisper.
      The soft voice tickles your ear and you hold back a giggle. You flip over to your other side to face him. His clear ocean blue eyes glow in the moonlight. Shimmering. You just can't get enough of it.
      "What?" you whisper back.
      "Do you mind telling me what you were like before?" he asks. "I know you never went to my school. That was a lie."
      "Give me a good reason why I should tell you," you reply.
      "You did promise to tell us later. Just tell me now," he says. He just never gives up with all his questions. It won't stop.
     "Another time," you say when Flare finally lets go. "Let's eat first."
     "I said give me a good reason, not a pathetic one," you say, clearly remembering what you had said to Rick.
     "How about we make a deal?" he offers.
     "Now we're talking," you gain interest.
     "Hmm...," he thinks. "What do you want to know?"
     "Why?" you begin. It was an easy question. "Why do you want to know so much about me? About my past? I'm not anything special."
     "Maybe you are," he responds mysteriously, smiling.
     "What do..." you pause. "You're confusing."
     "I answered your question, now answer mine. Please?" he begs.
     At that exact moment, you want to tell him everything. From start to finish. About your past and maybe even your future. You still don't understand why. Why do you want him to know? He won't understand. You look him in the eyes. Something sparked. No, he'll know. For sure.
     "If you really want to know," you sigh. "Then I'll tell you."
     "Finally," he says.
     "Before all of this," you hesitate before continuing. "I was originally going to war."


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