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Chapter 24 // A Gun Is Just A Weapon

     "Why? Oh good lord, what have you done?" you yell at Flare. "The engine's completely busted thanks to the tree you hit!"
     "Looks like we'll just have to run until we find another working car," Flare shrugs and begins to jog along the road.
     "Stop running, stupid," Ryan sighs. "I guess you'll never change."
     "Whatever do you mean, idiot?" Flare mocks.
     "There's a truck, hidden behind the bushes over there," Ryan points towards an area with vines. "I put it there just before you hit me. It was supposed to be a runaway truck, but I guess you already have a bunch of cars at the mall."
     "You know me too well," Flare smiles.
     Flare just smiled. In your entire life, you've never witnessed Flare's smile. Ryan must really mean something special to her. As you and the rest of the group climb in to the car, you think about who's special to you. Carl. He was the first to pop in to your mind. Your heart begins to ache. Flare slams on to the pedals and returns to her race car driving. You haven't seen Carl in so long...it hurts. A familiar mall comes in to view and Flare begins to slow down.
     "Oh wow," Flare exclaims.
     "What?" you respond.
     "They beat us to it," Ryan points towards the motorcycles. "They're already here."
     Flare parks the car. The group decides to go on foot towards the entrance. You slowly open the gate. A gunshot was heard. Flare begins to run. You trail behind her, following her exact footsteps. You barge through the door.
     "I was waiting for you," a man greets you.
     "Why are you here, Negan?" Flare spits.
     "Why? What do you mean why?" Negan smiles crookedly. "You see, you killed some of my men. And that...is not cool."
     "Hell yah, it was cool," you snort. "Too bad, you weren't there to see it. They were pretty happy because they were set free from your hands."
     "Listen, Missy," Negan glares at you. "I find it funny because it's coming out of you and you're so small. I'd like to make you one of my wives someday."
     "No, she'll never be your wife," Carls states strongly. Immediately, your heart begins to quicken it's pace. He's come to defend you again.
     "Walk out now, Negan," you advise. "And you get to see tomorrow."
     "Was that a threat?" Negan asks. He shakes his head. "Oh, you did not just threaten me. You see, now you're on my bad side. And you don't wanna be making the wrong kinds of enemies. Trust me you should probably shut that mouth of yours before I get angry."
     "What do you want?" Flare changes the subject.
     "I want my men back and I want the money you promised," Negan holds a weird ass looking bat and points hit directly at you.
     "Well, we have one thing in common," Flare snickers. "We both want the same things."
     "You want your men back? I haven't even killed any of your men," Negan chuckles.
     "Liar. You killed my gang. You killed the women too," Flare spits.
     "Okay, okay. Now how should we settle this?" Rick suddenly comes in to the conversation.
     "Stay outta this," Flare roars.
     "Listen now, Kitty," Negan laughs. "Such a cute, harmless kitten. I'm willing to make an offer. I'll leave you alone once you give me half of your shit."
     Half of your shit.
     This is not good.

      This is not good

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