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Chapter 18 // Call You Mine

     "Who did you kill?"
     The bullet had almost killed Rick, but you don't care. It was all intentional. The only thing you have set your mind on right now was to figure out why. Why he planned to kill his own kind and turn against the group.
     "A man," Rick finally agrees to tell you everything. "We didn't tell you about him. We found a guy when entering the building. Not the bank, but the hotel."
     "So you kept it a secret from me? Flare doesn't know either, does she?" you spit.
     "Listen," Glenn jumps in. You turn around and point your second gun at him.
     "Shut up and sit quietly," you command. "You listen to me."
     "He posed a threat to us," Rick says, looking down.
     "No," something tells you, your instincts. They convince you he's hiding something. There's more to the story. "No, you're posing a threat to all of us. Killing a man."
      "Hey!" he finally snaps, losing all control. "I'm not the crazy one holding a gun. I'm not the one who almost killed a group member."
      "Correction," you respond. "You did."
     Rick stands up, towering over you. He glares at you intensely. He knows. He knows you're right. You press the gun deeper in to his stomach reminding him it was there. Intimidated, he obediently sits back down.
      "I want the whole truth, not some fake ass lie," you say.
     "His name was Sunny, he wanted to commit suicide. It was because he could no longer live in a world like this," Abraham answers for Rick.
     "Oh," you pause and place your guns back safely. "Good to know."
     With that, you sit down as if nothing ever happened. You continue watching the dark green trees sway along with the bright green grass. The golden yellow flowers add color to the scenery. For you, it was normal. All of it. Once everyone recovered from shock, Abraham started the vehicle yet once again. The ride back was dead silent.
     "How much money we got?" Flare asks as we hand her the duffel bags. "Nice work team."
     "Yeah..." Glenn replies to the compliment.
     Flare clears off a wood table and dumps the stash of money on to it. It slides everywhere and immediately, Flare begins to form stacks. This was so that it was easier to count all the money. You wait patiently beside her, watching her every move. She swiftly rearranges it all. She finally gets an official number.
     "We did it," she first whispers, shocked. "We got over one mill."
     You cheer and the news spreads like wildfire. After all we've been through. We've done it. Excitedly, you burst in to Carl's room. You were ready to tell him. You find him looking outside the window with curiosity. You slowly approach him, making sure you don't make a sound.
      "We did it," you whisper in to Carl's ear.
     He spins around and looks at you, eyes wide. His eyes. Brilliant blue. Just like the ocean. It reminds you of the ocean. The beautiful mixture of greens and blues to form an amazing color. You easily get lost in his eyes.
      "War Child," he calls you. It catches your attention. You grin. He called you War Child. Butterflies enter your stomach and you are left with the familiar feeling. "You did good."
       He takes you in unexpectedly and you feel the collision. Your entire body jolts and you feel...alive. You have never felt this way, but you instantly love it. Your heart was sent overdrive and you could feel the pace quickening. The kiss deepens. It was your first time. You were inexperienced. He continues passionately and you struggle to match his pace. You suddenly begin getting aggressive. That's when he lets go. You miss it as soon as he does. His touch. Just then, Rick walks in.
     "Carl," he stops and looks at you. "Get away from her."
     "Why?" Carl simply asks.
     "Come here," Rick tells him. Carl looks over at you, then Rick. He shakes his head no. "I didn't ask you, I'm telling you."
      Rick grits his teeth. Carl reluctantly obeys. You watch him as he leaves eyes never loosing contact with his. Rick shuts the door cautiously. As soon as you hear it shut, you stroll over to the door and press your ear against the thin wood. You could hear Rick's faint voice.
      "Carl. Keep watch over her," he whispers. "She's dangerous."
      "What do you mean? She's a kid. Just like me. What makes her any different?" Carl defends you. Your heart begins to thud. He's protecting you. Just like what any and every body guard should do.
     "Today, while on the run," Rick begins. He's going to tell him. Tell him about what happened.        You hold your breath and just listen. "She held me at gunpoint. She almost killed me. Your own father. She's not sane. She has seen...things."
     "Dad," your breathing becomes shallow as you wait to hear Carl's response. You could hear him take a breath before continuing. "She must have her reasons."
     She must have her reasons.

"     She must have her reasons

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