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Chapter 4 // The Enid Chick

     Without any further hesitation, you shoot him dead. You grab the baby from his arms and quiet her down. Then you put her in the crib. She was ready to fall asleep. You smile as she closes her eyes.
     "Enid! You're not going out there!"
     Before you run downstairs, you slowly close Judith's door. Once you reach the living room, Carl and another girl about your age both have their guns drawn, pointed towards you. As soon as Carl sees it's just you, he lowers the gun. The girl follows.
     "Who is she?" the girl asks.
     "That's what I want to know," you respond, smirking.
     "A friend. We picked her up today," Carl replies.
     "You know, you should take better care of Judith," you say and sigh. "I could protect her for you. Just say so."
     "What makes you think I don't do a good enough job?" Carl defends himself.
     "Considering the fact that she was just almost killed, what makes you think you're doing a good job?" you argue. That's when you spot the girl carefully inching towards the door. "Hey, you! You're not leaving until the Wolves are gone. You'll die for sure."
      Carl spins around and looks at her. She shakes her head. She wants to leave this dump. It was as clear as day. The sorrow was written all across her face. She's been through a lot. You could tell. She has changed.
     "Enid, please?" Carl begs and she sighs.
     "Fine, but I'm leaving as soon as it's over," she replies stubbornly and sits down. Carl follows. You just laugh at them. "What?"
     "It's Judith," you say. "Looks like Carl can't defend her after all."
     "Stop fooling around," Carl snaps.
     "Check your surroundings before you say anything else," you reply.
He cautiously observes the room. Nothing. Enid doesn't bother checking. You guess she really doesn't care as much as Carl does. Eventually, Carl gives up in defeat and stands up. He walks over to you.
     "What do you mean?" he finally asks.
     "I was waiting for you to say that," you smirk and withdraw your guns. "You would've never notice them without me."
     Your coal-black shotgun shoots the vase behind you, breaking it as glass shards spray everywhere. While that happens, your silver beauty shoots the couch. The bullet goes right through as expected. A large thud follows. It went quite for a while. No one spoke.
     "Wolves," Enid says, breaking the silence.
     "No kidding," you tease.
     "How?" Carl asks. "How did you know they were there?"
     "I know a lot of things you don't," you reply darkly. "Don't waste your time with any more questions because I ain't gonna answer them. Got it?"
     Carl nods his head in response. You smile as though nothing ever happened. As though it was not a reality. It went quiet again. The silence consumes the air, but not for long. It all starts again. The gunshots were heard. The yells of people in which were once alive. It's all you could hear. Rick and Michonne can't come back. They won't. Not until later at least. You peak outside the window. All you see is the bloody corpses that were left behind to rot. Suddenly, you hear the doorknob turn unexpectedly.

 Suddenly, you hear the doorknob turn unexpectedly

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