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Chapter 10 // Give Me All Your Money

     The obnoxiously loud noise of banging pots wakes you up. Carl was still sleeping next to you. At first, you didn't understand why. Just then, you remember. You remember what you told him last night. The pots didn't stop. You groan. To your right, Judith and Enid were gone. Probably woke up early.
     "Carl," you shake him. "Carl."
     "What is it?" he moans.
     "Get up, it's time for breakfast," you laugh as he rubs his eyes and falls back to sleep. You decide to open the window for fresh air. The wind breezes by powerfully. You inhale. "C'mon."
     "Five minutes," Carl pleads. "Just five minutes."
     "Alright," you agree. You check the other bed and find Ron still snoozing. You sigh and shake him. "Ron."
     "Stop," he grabs a hold of your arm and doesn't let go.
     "Oh, so that's how you want to play it," you tease. You rip your arm out of his weak grasp and flick his forehead. He jolts up instantly. "There we go."
     "No," he attempts to fall back asleep under his cozy covers. You shrug. His loss. You rip the blankets off him and he groans. "No."
     "Idiot, get up. I ain't telling you again," you threaten.
     Ron sits up on the bed and just glares at you. He was giving you a dirty look. He was tired, that's for sure. Suddenly, an arm wraps around your waist. You squeal at first, but then you realize who it was.
      "Did you drink as well last night?" you joke.
      "Why you gotta be so annoying?" Of course, it was Carl.
      "I'm hungry, let's go," you reply, rolling your eyes.
     He eventually lets go and you try your best to calm yourself. Again, your heart was beating like crazy. Ron was already making his way out with Carl. You quickly catch up and the sweet smell of pancakes hits you hard. You felt high on adrenaline. Everyone was already seated at the dining table. You join them. You eat happily while the group socializes. That's when you remember.
     "Hey Flare!" you yell from across the table.
     "What?" she replies as she turns her attention to you.
     "What was that Savior doing here yesterday?" you question her. The room turns silent. All you could hear was the small playful voice of Judith enjoying herself. That's when you notice it wasn't just you who wanted to know. "Answer me."
     "I found him trying to sneak pass the walls," she says and sighs. "That ass wanted to know how much money we gained."
     "Did you tell him?" you ask.
     "Nahhh," she replies as if it weren't a big deal.
     "Money?" Daryl says, coming in to our conversation. "What do you need the money for?"
     "Should we tell them?" you glance at Flare for permission.
     "Only if they'll help us collect more and go on raids. That's the only deal," she says, turning to Rick.
     "We'll help you," Rick responds, looking around the room to see if anyone rejects.
     "Good," Flare states. "We need one million dollars."
     "For what?" Daryl repeats.
     "For the cure," you say. 


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