Chapter 32 "You're A Rocker!"

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here's an update i'm trying to write happier chapters i hope you like them, ☺.

{Demi's P.O.V.}

I walked into my dressing room too find Emily curled up asleep in the chair Kels put a finger to her lips telling me to be quiet I nodded and whispered "when did she fall asleep?,"  she replied "about ten minutes after she can off the stage." I smiled and said "I hope she enjoyed the show," Kels laughed quietly and said "which one you dancing all sexy next to her in the beginning of the song or her performing in the show." I gave kels a shove and whispered "your so mean," as I walked over and picked up Emily very gently, and carried her sleeping form out of the dressing room, Kels followed and gave me the bag with her clothes in them before I walked out of the arena.

I whispered tell them "I need to take my tired baby girl home, because she wore herself out," Kels nodded and said "I put her tour jacket in the bag a well," I smiled and said "thank you," and I carried her to the car. I placed her gently down in the car careful not to wake her up, before I got in myself and started the engine and began to drive home, when I pulled into the garage I opened the door before I carried Emily inside and into my room so I could keep an eye on her. 

I then walked back downstairs and closed the garage door, and grabbed a glass of water before I walked back upstairs, I smiled when I saw that Emily was still sleeping peacefully. I changed and brushed my teeth before I got under the covers next to her and fell asleep tired from being on tour.

{Emily's P.O.V.}

I woke up in Demi's bed, Demi's arms were wrapped tightly around me her head nuzzled into my shoulder, I turned around in her arms and said "hey, what's with the squeezing," she opened her eyes. She then said "morning, and you were having a nightmare last night you kept trying to kick and hit me, so I wrapped myself around you, to stop you from trying to kill me," I laughed and said "sorry, my nightmare was about me being kidnapped." Demi gave me a hug and said "it's okay it was just a dream," I nodded and replied "I know that now that I'm awake," Demi laughed and said "I've got something to show you, I didn't get the chance to give it to you last night."

She got up and said "you change out of the clothe you performed in and I'll go get it," I got up and walked into the guest room and changed, when I walked out Demi pulled a tour jacket that read confident on the back. I smiled and said "is this for me," she nodded and said "well yea why else would I be holding it," I slipped it on and said "wow, Demi thank you so much, it fits," Demi said "good, I'm glad." We both walked downstairs after I put the jacket with the other clothes she gave me, she questioned "breakfast?," I picked up an apple and tossed it into the air before catching it and biting into it.

Demi laughed and said "I'll make eggs, you want some," I replied "yea," with my mouth full of apple, Demi rolled her eyes and replied "nice, Emily," I shrugged and sat down at the table to finished eating my apple, while Demi made the eggs. She placed the plate infront of me and said "please eat everything on the plate," I sighed and said "I'll try," Demi sat across from me and said "I'm going to go to the studio later today, but before that I want you to try walking and lifting up something. So we can try to build up your strength back," I replied "you'll be there to help or catch me right," she nodded and finished her eggs, and then took her plate over to the sink. 

I finished eating soon after her and she carried in 5 lb weights for my hands and and said "okay, walking first I'm going to stand at the end of the hall I want you to walk over to me and then back down to the end of the hall." I nodded and began slowly walking over to her stumbling and putting my hands on the wall every now and then, as Demi flinched and gasped every time I did, I eventually reached her and she said "okay that killed me. I'll walk back behind you this time and then we'll sit on the couch and work on your arms," I walked back down the hall and stumbled even more this time Demi kept her hands on my shoulders to steady me.

When we reached the couch she handed me the weights and told me to curl up to my shoulders and slowly let it back down, I did as she asked and said "this is a-lot easier," she nodded and said "good." When I finished that she said "I want you to learn the music to the new song I wrote so that you can record it on the guitar with me," I smiled and said "really, you want me to do that, with you to go on your next album." 

Smiled and responded "well why else would I have you do that silly," I rolled my eyes as she pulled the music out of back pocket and handed it to me, then she got up and handed me her white guitar. I began to go over the music and before playing it seeing how the melodies and rhythms fit together in my head, I then began to play little bits at a time and Demi said "you've got the begining down already, wow," I blushed, embarrassed and said "yea, um thanks." She smiled as I continued to play the electric guitar and said "you're a rocker!," I laughed and said "yea I guess you could call me that." 

She laughed and said "well I'm glad you've almost got this down, it means we can record it later today," I smiled and looked up at her, then back down at my sheet music. I'm so glad she likes it when I play, my parents normally found it loud and annoying, before they died... I shook my head to clear my thoughts before I continued to go over the music.

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