Chapter 48 - Finding The Way Back Home

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here's an update folks I hope you've enjoyed the recent change in scenery, I'd like to get something clear, Emily and Demi are surrounded by woods the only road they can see is the bridge. I hope that makes what happened at the end of the last chapter make more sense since I didn't really describe the surroundings too much.

{Emily's P.O.V}

Demi and I walked up the tall hill to bridge and climbed over the railing she said "we came from that direction," as she pointed, I replied "okay, let's start running then, if we run now then we'll get farther then we will walking before our legs give out. She nodded and I got in line with her and said "ready, set, go," I kept pace with Demi, she looked at me and replied "run ahead if you want don't let me stop you from getting home faster." 

I shook my head at her replying "no, we stay together," Demi smiled as she ran responding "always," I smiled as well and we continued to run keeping pace with each other, if Demi slowed down so did I. If I slowed down so did she, We stayed together, until it got dark, Demi said "okay  we're going to climb that tree over there and sleep in it, I looked at the tree the moonlight lighting the way. 

I replied "Demi that tree is covered in poison oak," she shook her head and said "you find a tree to sleep in," I pointed to a tall sycamore and said "there, the sycamore,"  Demi walked over to it and started climbing I followed her after she got halfway up. Demi hung her arm down from the branch above me and said "take my hand," I grabbed her hand and she said "we'll be okay, I promise, now sleep baby girl," I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep on the strong tree branch holding me up.

{Demi's P.O.V}

Emily's hand slide from my grasp and I assume she fell asleep, I stayed awake for awhile longer before I fell asleep on the tree branch, I woke up to Emily shaking my arm and saying "get up lazy bones we've got running to do." I rolled my eyes and began to climb down Emily did as well, we both stretched and made our way out of the wood line Emily got in line with me and said "ready, set, go," and she kept pace with me as we ran together.

I have no idea how long we've been running but it's more of a slow jog now, Emily said "you wanna take a break mom, you seem really tired," I nodded and we sat down on the side of the road. As I caught my breath she said "we'll make it to somewhere where there's people soon," I nodded still out of breath, Emily stood up and held out a hand when I finally caught my breath I took it and she helped me up.

She said " don't give up we have to keep running, we'll run till dark, and take break every hour," I nodded and said "go," as I got in line with her and we began to run together, the next time we stopped to take a break, Emily lifted up her shirt. I gasped when I noticed most of the bandaids on her torso were soaked with blood, small trickles of blood were coming from the bandaids and were rolling down her skin.

All I could say was "f**k, why now, and here, god f**k, I went over to her and said "you should sit down, rest, your bleeding probably from almost every wound you have," Emily looked at me and said "no let's keep going." I shook my head as we began to run at a slower pace she's to stubborn to stop, but if she trips or slows down I will make her sit down and stop running.

{Emily's P.O.V.}

After about two hours of running/jogging I collapsed, as I went to get up I stood up to keep going but only fell back to the ground, Demi crouched down next to me scanning my face. I hid my pain as best I could but Demi said "you need rest, now," I looked at the blood stains on my shirt and shorts and allowed my body to lean back and lay down on the ground. I closed my eyes and felt Demi shaking my shoulder she said "stay with me babygirl keep those eyes open...please, stay strong," I forced my eyes open again and said "I'm okay, relax mom." 

I forced myself to sit up and said "you have to carry me, to the oak tree over there," Demi gave me a confused look and walked below the oak tree I reached up and grabbed a branch Demi said "wow easy there what if you fall." I replied "you'll catch me, I trust you," Demi stood below her hands on her hips a irritated look on her face, as I swung myself up branch by branch, until one arm slipped. Demi gasped as I perched myself on the branch, she then climbed up and sat on the branch next to yet slightly below me, and she said "tomorrow we are resting all day, we need to find water and food, or we'll both die out here."

I  nodded replying "fine, I know how to find water and food easily leave it to me," Demi shook her head and said "no, you need to rest, or you'll bleed out," I rolled my eyes replying "I'll be fine." Demi gave me a worried and scared glance as if she feared I would die in any second, I replied "I'll be okay, you don't know the woods like I do, I'm really good at this sorta thing, I'll be okay." With that she closed her eyes and said "fine," in an angered voice, I replied "mom really, I'll be okay I promise," and I put my hand on her shoulder she put her hand on top of mine and said " I don't want to lose you baby girl," as I began to drift off to sleep.

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