Chapter 28 - Struggling

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heres an update people I hope you enjoy the words i've written.

I work up to see Nick, Kels and my manager by my bedside, Nick spoke first he said "you were yelling and crying in your sleep DemI, are you okay?" My gaze hardened and I snapped back "NO, Nick I'm not okay, my adopted daughter is in the hospital in a coma, I just had a nightmare about her death, so yea  Nick of course I'm just great!" Kels put her hand on my shoulder and said "hey, relax Dems we're here because we are worried about you, no need to rip anyone's head off," I sat up. Before I turned to Nick and said "your right Kels, I'm sorry Nick I just--," he cut me off and said "I know, I understand," My manager spoke up and said "I'm going to try to keep you busy, so you don't think about her so much."

I nodded and lied "thank you guys for the concern, but I'll be okay," as I grabbed a change of clothes before I walked into the bathroom to take a shower and get ready. When I walked out of the bathroom everyone had left my hotel room, I sighed and said "I'm going to have a rough time, trying to not to blame myself for what happened and trying not to think about Emily."

[2 & 1/2 Months Later]

It's been a few weeks since I've visited Emily, I walked into the hospital and sighed I hate seeing her like this, my heart breaks each time I walk into the room and see her lying there hooked up to the breathing tubes, monitors, and I.V.'s. I walked into the room  and sat down into the chair next to her bedside like I always do, I held her hand and told her about everything that's been going on. I gasped when her hand tightened around my hand, I stopped talking and questioned "Emily?," her heart monitor began speeding up to a more normal rythm, I looked at her face waiting to see if she would open her eyes. 

I sighed when she didn't I closed my eyes and leaned my head down onto the hospital bed and said "the universe plays cruel jokes," I then felt Emily's hand loosen and pull weakly out of my grip and rest on my shoulder. I sat bolt upright and said "Holy f***ing sh*t," and looked into Emily's partly open pained eyes, I leaned down and said "I knew you'd wake up, I'm so happy that you proved those doctors wrong." I got up and said "I'm going to tell a doctor that you woke up, I'll be right back," I walked out of the room and over to a nurse standing in the hallway, I said "Emily Rosa woke up from her coma," she nodded and said "I'll be right in to take care of her."

I stayed out in the hallway out of respect for privacy since I know she's probably going to take Emily off the breathing tubes, since she's conscious enough to breathe for herself now,, the nurse walked out of the room about 10 minutes later. She said "she's going to be fine, we just need to keep a few more days for observation," I nodded and walked back into the room, and smiled, Emily gave me a weak smile back. She then opened her mouth to say something but I said "no, don't try to talk, you've had a tube down your throat for about 2 & 1/2 months," she closed her mouth and her eyes widened, I nodded and continued "I know you've been asleep for a long time, but I'm just glad that your awake now."

I sat down in the chair next to Emily and said "I was so scared that you wouldn't wake up and that I would visit or get a phone call and I'd find out that you had died, I would wake up every day and think about you, what you did for me." Tears started to run down her face I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around her and said "it's okay, I'm okay now," she nodded into my shoulder. I pulled back and said "I missed you so much," before I kissed her forehead Emily replied "I missed you too," in a hoarse scratchy voice, I said "do you feel okay?" she nodded. 

I picked up my phone and texted Nick "EMILY'S AWAKE I'M SO F***ING HAPPY," he replied "Dems I'm so f***ing happy for you, I'm glad she woke up," I smiled and said "I told Nick you woke up from your coma." Emily struggled to pull herself into a sitting position her muscles weak from lack of use, I grew concerned and said "you'll get back your strength," she gave me a concerning glance. I picked up my phone when I got a text and read "DemI your going to be late to the studio if you don't get going soon,"  from Nick, I rolled my eyes and replied "I'll be late then, my daughter needs me more right now." He replied"I figured you'd say that so I'll tell him what's going on for you ;)," I responded "thank you Nick, your the best," he replied  "I know Demi :P."

I gave a small laugh as I put my phone down I looked at Emily and said "we have about another hour before my manager starts to spam my messages demanding I get to the studio," Emily smiled amused before she said "you should go," in the same scratchy hoarse voice. I shook my head and replied "no I'm going to spend as much time with you as I can before I have to leave you until I need to pick you up." 

She gave me a understanding look and said "I heard everything you said to me while I was in the coma, you're one of the reasons I'm still here, there were a-lot of moments I wanted to let go and give in. Then I'd think about how sad you were and how much you wanted me to wake up or I'd hear your voice and it gave me a reason to keep hanging on to life." A tear fell down my face and I wrapped my arms around her and said "thank you for not letting go," she smiled into my shoulder and I pulled back as my phone started ringing. I answered the phone to hear my manager commanding me to go to the studio, I ended the call and turned to Emily and said "I have to go, I'll pick you up soon, I love you," as I gave her one last hug before I walked out the hospital room door.

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