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Farkle P.O.V.
Wow I said because of the kiss.

Yea wow what was that about Riley said now getting off of me now she is sitting up thinking I wonder what she's thinking about.

Um I should go she said.

Why you don't have to go now we can just lay here all day with out no interruptions I said with a hopeful face.

Uh sorry farkle I can't stay my mom is probably wondering where I'm at sorry she said giving me a kiss.

Wait are we a thing or something I said hoping she'll say yes.

Yes farkle we are but we have to keep it a "secret" cause I'm not ready for everyone to know especially smackle she said.

YES!YES!YES!YES! I finally got the girl YES! I said screaming but not that loud because I have neighbors.

Okay now I have to go by now she said leaving me smiling in my room.

After I heard the door shut I got up from the bed and went to my bathroom I quickly took off my clothes and stepped into the shower I turned on a few minutes ago once I felt the hot water on me it made me think for some reason I was thinking why wouldn't Riley want to keep us a secret I could understand smackle cause of me and smackle are "going out" I still don't like her she's cheating on me and I saw it with my own eyes.
I had something special planned for Isadora I had something so cool though I still didn't feel like I love her I like her but it's just, we only have science in common nothing else but I don't know how I feel. I get to her house and knock quickly no one answered so I looked through her window and you wouldn't Believe what I saw her on top of Billy Ross and she was kissing him. I through the flowers I brought her and stepped on the video tape that I was going to show her and the first person that came to my mind and it was Riley I quickly walked over to her house and went up the fire escape and knocked on her widow---(flashback over)----
That memory pains me a little but I have Riley. I realize I'm still in the shower and I got out and put a towel around my waist I put on my underwear of course and black jeans and a white v neck and put my Pluto sweater and go to my bed to get KY phone and I look through my notifications and there a specific message that standed out its from Isadora. I read the message.
Isadora smackle-
Hey we have to talk it's important.
I responded back.
Farkle minkis-
Yea I'll come over I have some stuff to say to you.
Isadora smackle-
No at Riley's new Years party and don't worry I won't say it in front of everyone see you at the party.
Farkle minkis-
Okay bye.
I completely forgot the party I have to get ready or at least pick out an outfit.
Riley's P.O.V.
I went home careful motto wake my mom I went to my room and and plop myself on the bed "ding" I pulled out my phone.
Maya Hart-
Hey can't wait for the party tonight.
Oh my god I totally forgot I was to busy thinking of farkle and his lips how soft they were how it felt so good.
Riley Matthews-
Yea come around 5 so we can decorate.
Maya Hart
Okay I be there now. Seen
I have to get ready it's already 4 I go to my closet and pick out an outfit it was was a grey dress with sparkles on the top and I wore black boats that come up to my knees I wonder what is going to happen tonight.

It's already 5:50 where is Maya I said out loud.

Knock knock I here the door.

Hey riles sorry I'm late I just have to talk to Lucas he's coming with me.

Hey peaches I already decorated so you don't have to do anything I said.

Oh you didn't have to do that she said.

It okay go pick up Lucas I said smiling.

By riles see you later.

I close the door and wait just wait for everyone to come.
(Skip to the party)
Farkle P.O.V.
I made my way to Riley's door with Isadora by my side I really don't want to be with her at the end if the night. I knock on her door and there stood Riley looking at me and smackle shirts we had on I'm with this genius and to be honest I didn't really want to wear it but I have. to until tonight I will tell her I can't see her anymore.

Hey riles how have you been I haven't seen you in a long time smackle said.

Yea Yea Riley's said.

We sat down on Riley's couch and said nothing. All of of us is there but nobody is saying anything. I'm just going to come out and say it guys I have to tell you and smackle something. And then Riley got up and was literally shoving me out the house she grabbed her and my jacket and dragged me all the way up the stairs.

You dragged me all the way up the stairs and I liked it.

How was that he was about to say it OMG thank you guys votes.
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