1-The Day my Life Changed

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You never know what life will hand you.  The most ordinary of days can change the entire direction of your life.  

Breaking away from my work on the final fundraiser of the school year, I check on dinner bubbling on the stove.  I slowly stir some final seasonings into the pot of beef stew that has been simmering for a couple of hours.  As I taste the gravy, I realize that I am starving.  I am sure that the kids would be hungry if they didn't have snacks after school. 

I hear my phone ringing and expect it to be my husband calling to update me on his location.  It's strange that he isn't home.  He was driving back from a client site in the Central Valley but should have been home around six.  The sky outside my kitchen window is getting dark and it must be getting late.  It's just about dusk and the air looks thick and hazy. 

I scramble to find my phone under a dish towel and answer it.


"Alyssa, its Liz.  How are you, love?  I was thinking about you and wanted to give you a call."  Liz is one of my closest friends and has become like a sister to me. 

"I'm good, but exhausted.  I took the day off from work, but I've been running around all day getting ready for the Employee Gala.  There are only a few more days.  I finally found the perfect dress at that boutique downtown that is going out of business.  It was a bargain.  It's sequined, long and strapless with a slit up the side.  It's a bit more skin than I would normally show at a company event, but it's perfect.  It fits like it was made for me.  David's going to love it!"

"Are you kidding?  With your red hair and that dress, you're going to be his own personal Jessica Rabbit.  He's going to love it!  Speaking of David.  Is he home yet?"

"No.  Why?"

"My hubby asked if your hubby wants to play a round of golf on Sunday.  I feel like we're setting up a play date for a couple of preschoolers."  Liz says with a laugh.  

"I'm sure David will be up for a round of golf.  You know how much he loves to use golf as an excuse to get out of doing chores around the house.  I'll make sure that David calls to confirm when he gets home."  

"Well if David's not home, he's going to be really late.  I just heard on the news that there is a big rig accident and fire on the highway.  The entire highway is closed.  It happened a couple of hours ago.  It's just a few miles from you where they have been doing all of the highway construction.  If you go outside, I bet you can almost see the smoke."

"Wow.  I thought it seemed a bit smoggy this evening."  I pause and glance out the kitchen window at the dark, ominous-looking sky.  "I am looking outside and it is incredibly smokey.  The fire must be huge!"

Out of the blue, my normally well-behaved chocolate lab jumps from his dog bed and starts ferociously barking at the door.  The chaos is followed by the sound of my doorbell and loud knocking on the door. 

"Hold on for one second Liz.  Someone is at my front door.  It's probably the mailman.  You know how Cocoa hates him!"

I open the door expecting a delivery man or a salesperson.  Instead, I see the lights of a police cruiser parked on the street and a uniformed officer at my door.  

I was raised in a law enforcement family led by a grandfather who was the chief of police.  I know that an officer coming to your door isn't usually a good sign.  When a family member is several hours late, the last thing that I want to see is an officer on my doorstep.  A personal visit usually brings the worst possible news.  It's terrifying.  

My eyes meet the officer's and the look on his face says it all. I can barely hear his words.  My knees get weak, my hands begin to shake and the phone slips from my grasp and falls to the floor.  In the distance, I can hear Liz calling my name.  Uncontrollable sobs bubble to the surface and I can't breathe, as I feel my heart breaking.  In that one single moment, my entire life changes and I know that I will never be the same.

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