14-Sounds Like a Date

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I gaze at the look of pride on Alex's face.   I am a complete disaster, but he can't see me as anything other than perfect.   He really is the big brother that I always wanted.  I was lucky to find him as an adult. 

I smile and in my most convincing voice announce, "I'm going back to my rule of no dating.  I am just focusing on the kids and not allowing any myself to have any distractions. Dating has always led to disasters for me and I am much better off on my own.  I had my happy ending.   I wore a veil and white dress and had two perfect babies with my husband.  We didn't grow old together, but we had almost twelve years of marriage."  

"Alyssa you're only 34.   You deserve to find a great guy.   The right guy will love you and take care of you and the boys.   There are a million guys out there that would jump at the chance to build their world around you.  Why don't you let Liz and I fix you up?   You know I have a million contacts and Liz loves to play matchmaker.  It will be fun."  Alex said with a wink and an evil grin.    

"Absolutely, not.   If I wanted a date, I am sure that I could find one.  I don't need you to play cupid."

As the words escape my mouth, I see Amir enter the room.  He's carrying a large bag with the logo of my favorite sandwich shop.   Talk about bad timing.  I wonder how much he heard.  

Amir puts the bag down and greets Alex with a smile and a firm handshake.  "Alyssa said that she wasn't hungry, but I think she needs to eat. I bought a bit little of everything from that sandwich place on the corner.  Do you want to join us for lunch?"

"Thanks for the offer, but I have plans with one of my clients.  I'll take a raincheck.  I'm glad that you ignored Alyssa and bought her lunch.   She's stubborn and she never takes care of herself."   Turning to me, Alex said "I'll be back in a couple of hours for our meeting.   Amir was nice enough to get you lunch.  Make sure you eat something.  Starving yourself won't make this day any easier."

"Fine, fine.  I promise that I'll eat something.   You should get going before you're late.   I'll see you back here at 3 pm for your region's meeting."

Alex gave me a quick hug and left the room leaving me alone with Amir.  The air becomes thick with tension and I am suddenly aware of my discomfort.   I've spent the entire morning with Amir, but we've been so busy and all of our focus has been on work.  I turn to Amir and notice that he has spread out a huge feast on the conference table. 

"Were you trying to feed the whole office?" I ask.

He grabs my hand and leads me closer to the conference table.  "I hope that I bought something that you will eat.  I'm worried about you.  Alex is right.  You need to take care of yourself.  Let me serve you some lunch."

"Fine. I'll have some of the corn chowder and half a turkey sandwich."  I concede.  

He pulls out my chair and motions for me to sit down.  Once I sit down, he slides a steaming bowl of corn chowder in front of me.  He looks deeply into my eyes and suddenly I feel naked like he can see all of my previously hidden emotions.   "I am sorry for making you come in today.  I didn't realize that it was a significant day for you.  Will you tell me why it's a hard day for you?"

I feel tears threatening to emerge, but I push them back.  "I'm sorry I can't talk about it right now.  We're at work and we have meetings for the rest of the day.  I can't afford to fall apart right now.   I don't ever show weakness at work."

He leans in slightly and moves a stray lock of hair behind my ear.   "I understand, but will you promise to talk to me about it another time?   I really want to get to know you and I have a feeling that knowing more about today is the key to really understanding you."

"Another time.  I promise." I reply as I try to avoid talking by taking a bite of my sandwich. 

"Tell me something about yourself that I don't know.  Something that makes you happy."

"I've told you that I have two wonderful sons. What I haven't told you is that growing up, I hated sports. I was never athletic. I hated playing sports and hated watching sports even more. In high school and college, I dated guys that played sports and I would go to their games. I would show up, but I never cared enough to figure out what was going on." I pause and smile remember all of the football games where I spent half my time at the concession stand and the other half talking with friends.

"I'm sure those guys were just happy that you showed up wearing their jersey."

"Maybe, but I still feel a little guilty. I was a terrible girlfriend." I wink and continue. "Then, I had my sons and they started playing sports before kindergarten. Over the years, they have played baseball, basketball, football, and soccer. I suddenly took an interest in sports. I wanted to understand the rules, the plays, and the reasons for penalties. I understand all of the games that they have played over the years, but football and baseball are the games that I know best. This year, my oldest is playing football and my youngest is focusing on football and baseball. I spend a lot of time at their games.  I'm their biggest fan and their cheering section." I say with great pride in my voice.

He smiles and asks "What grade are they in?"

"Jace is thirteen and Connor is twelve.  They'll be in the 8th and 7th grades next year."

"Wow.  You seem so young to have kids in middle school.  Are they on summer break now?"

I nod.  "They got out of school a couple of weeks ago and football practice doesn't start for a few more weeks.  So, they have a little bit of a break.  They went with my mom to visit my sister in Nashville this week and I'll be joining them next week."

"So, you're at home alone this week?" He asks with a raised eyebrow and a glimmer of hope in his eyes. 

"I took off this week to get a lot of things done at home.  It's easier to stay focused when the kids aren't home.  They're good at coming up with fun things to take me off task.  So, this week is a way to get caught up.  I also have an event that I need to attend before I fly out to visit my sister."

"Do you mean the Employee Gala?" He asks. 

"Yes, exactly.  I need to make an appearance.   I haven't been for a few years and it's important that I'm there for the employees.   How did you know?"

"I plan to be there myself.  I decided to stay over the weekend, so I could attend.  I think it will be a good way to get to know our employees in this region." He looked conflicted for a moment, but then took a breath and continued.  "In fact, I want to ask you a favor."

"What's the favor?"

"Will you be my date for the evening?   I don't know many people in the region and it would be great to have someone introduce me to our key employees."

Bells and whistles start going off in my head.   I know I can't trust myself around him.   He makes me feel things that I haven't felt in a long time.  "I'm not sure if that's a good idea.   I don't date people from work.  It's inappropriate for someone in my position."

"We could just attend as friends and colleagues.  It could be strictly professional.   It would just be two executives attending a work event together."

I feel conflicted.  His logic is sound.  It would make sense for me to introduce him to our employees and make sure that he connects with the right people.  At the same, Amir makes me feel things that I haven't felt in years.  The more time that I spent with Amir, the more difficult it is to not cross the line.   Maybe, I can arrange a compromise.  "How about I meet you at the Gala at eight o'clock and I'll spend time introducing you to everyone until I leave for the evening?"

"Sounds like a date."

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