23-Showdown in the Powder Room

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Finding a bathroom is always a challenge at these types of events, but Liz has a knack for finding the most secluded and underutilized facilities at any party. She scopes out the bathrooms before she takes a single sip of champagne, so she never has to worry about doing the wiggle dance while waiting in a long line. So, it's not surprising that I find myself walking down a small, dim hallway toward a barely visible restroom. We walk through the door to find the bathroom almost completely deserted. These are the times that I love my best friend and drinking buddy the most. 

Liz and I enter the first couple of stalls and close the doors. As I empty my bladder, I hear a small crowd of laughing women enter the restroom and go into various stalls. I pay little attention to the chatter of gossip as I exit the stall and walk to the sink to wash my hands. Liz begins washing her hands in the sink next to me when I hear something in the conversation between stalls that stops me dead in my tracks.

"Did you see the way that skanky chick in the red sequin dress was hanging all over Amir Khadem?" says a woman with a distinctive raspy voice.

"The one on the dance floor?"

"Yeah, can you believe the way that she was throwing herself at him? There is no way he would ever be interested in her. He's had better offers."

"Did you hook up with him?"

"I wish. I gave him plenty of chances, but he gave me some shit about not getting involved with people at work. Oh, the things I could do to that man. We would be so hot together." She lets out a laugh ending in a snort and then continues. "So, why would he want some fat, old carrot top when he could have all this?"

"I can't imagine. Hey, I thought you were dating your project manager."

"Yeah, he's been keeping my bed warm from time to time, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't entertain a better offer. That's the best part of consulting. We work with lots of hot men making good money. They're on projects far from home and looking for little fun on the side. I am always open to having fun with the right upside. I like to keep my options open."

"So, you didn't join DNT for the health insurance and 401k?"

"I never have been interested in those sorts of benefits. I would rather focus on guys that will shower me with gifts and help me work my way up the corporate ladder. How do you think I got all of those promotions at my last job?" She erupts in another fit of drunken laughter. There is a loud flush of the toilet and what sounds like a struggle to open the lock on the stall.

I look at Liz and raise my eyebrow. She smiles and retreats to a hidden corner of the bathroom. I cross my arms and lean against a wall that is just out of sight of the line of stalls.

I hear the young woman with the drunken laugh and raspy voice stagger out of the stall and begin walking toward my location on her wobbly heels. She walks right by me without noticing her surroundings. Reaching the sinks, she adjusts her skin-tight dress in a failed attempt to cover some of her assets. Then, she begins fixing her long blonde hair in the mirror. She calls over her shoulder, "Who was that skank in the red dress anyway?"

Seeing my opportunity, I clear my throat. I watch as she locates me in the reflection of the mirror and her eyes slowly meet mine. Her face twists into a look of surprise and panic.

I walk forward with a smile and extend my hand. "I don't think we've met. Let me introduce myself. I am Alyssa Leclerc. I lead Human Resources and All People Initiatives in the West for DNT Consulting. I am also a key member of our Executive Leadership Board for DNT in Northern California. I would like to say that it's been a pleasure meeting you, but you just called me a skank. So, it really isn't."

The young woman turns around to face me looking much more somber. Eyes wide from the shock, she begins stuttering. "No, I wasn't talking about you. It was some other woman in a red dress."

"I believe in being very transparent, so let's cut to the chase. I've been in the bathroom since you entered it. I've heard your entire conversation. Given the fact that you're sleeping with your supervisor while propositioning other employees, you are the last person that should be casting stones. That didn't stop you tonight, but hopefully, you'll think twice in the future. I'm sure that you will be disappointed to learn that Amir and I are just friends and colleagues. Some of us know how to act professionally in a work environment."

I pause to see if she is going to reply, but she seems to be at a loss for words. So, I continue. "I've never met you and I make an effort to get to know all my employees, so you must be new. I'm going to give you a little advice and a warning. In the future, don't spread rumors about others in a public venue where you could be easily overheard by anyone. In addition, you should avoid gossiping about people when you don't know their position or how they could influence your career. If this was a typical day, I would take down your name and write you up for your lack of professionalism at a work event. Lucky for you, I have better things to do with my evening. Consider this your second chance, don't make me regret giving it to you."

Liz and I start walking toward the door while the woman remains frozen in place. As I open the door, I call over my shoulder. "I recommend that you steer clear of my path until I have forgotten your face and what happened tonight. For your sake, you better stay out of trouble and off my radar. Enjoy the rest of your evening."

Liz and I only take a few steps into the hallway when she leans into me and whispers, "I can't believe you let that go."

"It wasn't for her." Leaving the hallway, I motion toward Amy and her husband drinking champagne and gazing lovingly into each other's eyes. "Amy would have to help me document the incident and schedule a time on Monday to deliver the written warning." I let out a sigh and continue. "Amy's husband just flew in for the weekend. He's been traveling for the last month for some big acquisition. When he promised to come to the gala, Amy planned a big romantic evening for them in the city. I don't want to spoil her evening with work stuff."

"That makes perfect sense. You are such a romantic."

"I've been called worse. Anyway, I don't want Amy to miss out on a special evening. You never know how long you'll have with your loved ones. It's important to enjoy being with them while you can."

"I agree. It's just too bad that bloody scrubber gets away with that little scene in the powder room."

"I would like to say that I've seen the last of that girl. It's possible that she could sober up and change her ways, but I doubt it. I have a feeling that it's just a matter of time before she crosses my path again. Next time, she won't be so lucky."

Alyssa's Second Chance [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now