3-Make Me More Comfortable

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Amir's P.O.V.

The hotel alarm clock reads 6 am.  I am on the West Coast today and I have already been up for a couple of hours.  I spent an hour in the hotel gym watching training on my tablet while I ran on the treadmill.   Everyone is required to complete it, even our CEO.  Thank god for that hot redhead on the video, because the subject was a bore.  The guy that hired that actress deserves a raise.   

Finally caught up on training, I grabbed something to eat and came back to my room to get some work done before heading into the office.  It will be my first time in the San Francisco office since my promotion. 

I planned to visit the West Coast offices a couple of months ago when I was named as the North America Operating Officer.   Unfortunately, my trip was postponed by personnel issues in Canada and client issues in the Southeast.   Aside from sitting on a few conference calls, I've had no contact with my leadership teams in the West Coast offices.   That will all change today.  I hope they come to work ready to impress me.

We are looking to hire a couple of partners from competing firms to round out our local team.  The final interviews are taking place this morning and I agreed to come in and meet these prospects.  My admin has been working with local HR and has my whole morning blocked off.  My plan is to take a cab to the office around 6:30 and start introducing myself to the local staff.  I like to see who arrives early and prepared and which employees roll in late and flustered.   Those employees never last long when I am in charge. 

As I start gathering my things to leave my room when my phone rings.  The caller is the CIO from one of our largest clients and he is not happy.  I've known this guy for years.  He gives us a lot of work, but he is known for being cheap.  He has us start big projects knowing that he needs more work done.  He only tells us about half the work in the beginning.  Then, we get started on the project and he tries to bully the project teams into doing the extra work for free.  My boss was his golf buddy and used to put up with it.   Those days are over.  I can't be bribed with beer and a couple of rounds of golf.    

The call keeps dragging on and on.  Maybe, this guy's strategy is to bore me to death.  I don't think I can listen to another minute of him complaining about the cost of our services.  Then, a call comes through on my other line.  I ignore it and try to wrap up things up with the client.  Another call comes in.  It's the same number.  Who the hell keeps calling me?  I get through two sentences and the person is calling again.  This goes on and on and finally, I come to an agreement with the client.  After a lot of negotiation, we compromise.  The client isn't thrilled, but I can live with the arrangement.   I end the call and glance at the clock.  It's 8:30 am.

I don't need to look at my calendar to know that I am late.  I rush out of the hotel, grab a cab and head to the office.   In the cab, I pick up a dozen voicemails related to my lateness.  A few are from my admin, but most are from Alyssa LeClerc. 

I've heard from my boss that Alyssa is the key to our success in our offices on the West Coast.  She got promoted a year ago when we were having issues with turnover and lack of employee satisfaction.  She turned things around.  Now, she is rolling out programs and initiatives company-wide.  I've been told that she is one to watch and not to piss her off.  It seems to be too late for that, so I call her back. 

"Alyssa, this is Amir Khadem.  I received your phone messages and I am almost to the office."

"It's almost 9 am and I expected you in the office almost two hours ago.  Your admin has no idea where you are.  You didn't call or email me and you have already missed your first interview.  You're late for your second interview and you've put our entire interview day behind schedule.  This is completely inappropriate.   Why are you late?" She is clearly irritated and seems like a real bitch. 

"Why do I feel like I am explaining myself to my boss?" I laugh trying to defuse the situation, as I exit the cab and begin walking through the lobby.

"Geoff would never be so inconsiderate.  We have worked together for years and he is always a professional.  He is always the first person in the office.  He has never been late to one of my meetings or interviews." 

"I had an urgent issue come up with one of our large clients and the CIO called me to discuss the problem" I begin explaining, but I am quickly cut off. 

"Tell me exactly where you are right now.  Your 8 am and 9 am interviews are waiting for you."

"If you must know, I am just stepping into the elevator now."

"Great.  Get off on the 40th floor.  I am walking to the elevator bank to meet you and I will prep you as we walk to your office.  You need to be prepared to meet with the first candidate within five minutes"

I press the button on the elevator for the 40th floor.  I don't know who this woman thinks she is, but I am not going to put up with her attitude.  Does she not realize who I am?   I bet she is some uptight ball buster who lives to use her limited power to make everyone miserable.  Not if I have a say in the matter. 

The elevators doors open and I have to hide my surprise as I see the hot redhead from the training video in front me with her arms crossed and her beautiful lips pressed into a firm line.  Her bright blue eyes glare at me as I stare at her long red hair cascading over the shoulders of her black dress.  From her hourglass figure to her long toned legs, she looks even better in person. 

I step off the elevator and she walks forward extending her hand.  I meet her soft, warm hand with my own for just a moment before she pulls back.   She introduces herself in a forced neutral tone, but her anger is evident.  I wish I would have paid more attention to the time during that client call. 

She begins walking me to my office smiling and greeting employees that we pass in the reception area.  We turn the corner and she lowers her voice to speak with me. 

Under her breath, she says, "I have been waiting for you for nearly two hours.  You missed the kick-off meeting at 7 am, you're late for two interviews and have inconvenienced the candidates and our other interviewers."

She adds, "Here is what I expect for the rest of the day: You will focus all of your attention on these interviews.  You will not take any other calls until all of the candidates have left the building.   You will conduct these interviews according to my newly revised schedule.  You will apologize profusely to the candidates for the delay.  You will not complain to me about not having enough time with each of the candidates to make a final decision.   You will complete the interviews on time and meet the rest of the leadership team for the lunchtime debrief.     You will be supportive of me while I facilitate the meeting and ensure that we select at least one to two new partners to hire for this office by the end of the day."

As we arrive at the door to a corner office, she says in a louder voice "Please get yourself settled Mr. Khadem and I will be back with your first candidate to interview in two minutes.  In the meantime, is there anything that I can get you to make you more comfortable?"

As the words fall from her plump red lips, I think of all of the ways that she could make me more comfortable.

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