37-The Right One

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I wake up to the sound of birds chirping and the wonderful feeling of being held in someone's arms. I feel my body sway in the breeze and I remember that I'm laying in a hammock with Amir. I slowly open my eyes and find myself caught in Amir's gaze.  

"You are so beautiful when you sleep. I didn't want to wake you up."

"You realize that it's a little creepy to watch me sleep. You're lucky that you make such a comfy pillow." I stifle a small yawn and snuggle deeper into his arms. "What time is it?"

"It's half past three. Why?" He asks as he brushes a few wisps of hairs away from my face.

"We should get going. Keith and Staci don't live far from here, but we need to stop on the way for our contribution to the dinner."

"While we are here, we should just buy them a case of wine. It will be my treat. We can stay here a little longer and enjoy our time together."

"That's sweet, but a case of wine just won't be the same. You'll understand why when we get there."

After spending a few minutes packing up, we walk hand in hand to the car. Amir opens my car door and lets me sink into the warm leather seats before finding his way to the passenger seat. I start up the engine and drive past multiple wineries and farms toward our next stop. The wind is blowing through my hair and I glance at Amir to find him drinking in my appearance with a look of tenderness in his eyes.

"So, where are we headed?"

I motion to the brewery to our right as I pull into the parking lot. "We've arrived."

We make our way into the beautiful wood-paneled tasting room and walk past the pool tables toward the bar. I spot a familiar group of employees behind the bar and lead Amir in that direction.

I grab a seat at the bar and pat the seat next to me motioning for Amir to take a seat. The group seems deep in conversation, so I call out to them, "Your boss around?"

In no time flat, the group I watch most of them scatter. Then, the tasting room lead disappears into the office. A moment later, she returns with a handsome, bearded man with frat boy looks.

"Alyssa, I've been waiting all afternoon for you. Where've you been, girl? Staci said that you'd be by to pick up the supplies for tonight. Gimme your keys and I'll have the boys load up your trunk."

The manager comes around the bar and pulls me into a hug as I pass him my keys. As I hug him back, I see a scowl emerging on Amir's face.  I know that Amir is feeling jealous.  I've seen this side of him a few times and I'm not a big fan.  I hate it when guys act possessive.  It would be great to teach him a lesson, but I don't want to play games.  

"Amir, this is Vince. Vince is engaged to Staci's niece, Roxy."  I pause for effect before continuing.   "They're getting married next year, but Vince is already family."  I watch as Amir's face instantly relaxes.

Vince does some weird fist bump thing with Amir. "I guess that makes Alyssa my favorite aunt. She's going help me keep Roxy from turning into some crazy, bride monster this year. I hear it's a thing. That's not what I signed up for when I asked Roxy to marry me."

I laugh. "It's a bridezilla and Roxy isn't the bridezilla type. Trust me. She'll be fine and you'll be on your honeymoon by this time next year." I turn to Amir with a big smile on my face. "I'm helping Vince and Roxy plan their wedding. It's going to be amazing. I love party planning, so it will be fun."

"Executive, mom, party planner...Is there anything else I should know about?"

I laugh. "I guess you will have to wait and find out."

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