6-Advice From His Mentor

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Amir's Point of View

I was pissed after Alyssa stormed out of my office.  I'm even more irritated 20 minutes later.  There isn't anyone else in this company that would dare speak to me that way.  She thinks that she can get away with whatever she wants.  I don't understand why Geoff thinks she's so great.  There's no doubt that she's hot.  The thing is that Geoff isn't the type to get distracted by eye candy.  I want to figure out why he is so impressed with her.  

It's still early in New York, so I dial Geoff's number.  He answers his phone with a chuckle.  "How was your day with the gorgeous redhead?  She's got to be the best part of visiting San Francisco.  You must be calling to thank me."           

"Not exactly," I state and then I proceed to tell Geoff about all of my interactions with Alyssa since the beginning of the morning.  Geoff has the nerve to laugh when I tell him how she dared me to call her boss, Chief HR Officer or the CEO if I wanted to complain.   "I'm glad that you find this funny, old man."

"Sorry Amir, but this has been the most entertaining part of my day.  I'm bored to death sitting at home all day.  Semi-retirement stinks.   If only I had been in the office when Alyssa told you off.  I would have paid money to see that show."

"So, give me your advice on how to deal with her.  I know that you're dying to tell me what to do."

"Interesting choice of words.  First of all, you need to make an effort to get along with her.  I don't know why things have escalated to this point, but she is your best asset in the West.  You need her help to grow the region." Geoff paused for effect and then continued.  "Second, she is a great person when you get to know her.  Last year, Emily tagged along when I came out to visit the office.  When Alyssa found out that I brought my wife, she insisted that we stay with her in Napa over the weekend.   She invited us into her home and spent all weekend spoiling us rotten.  How many people do that?"

"So, she's normally good at kissing up to the boss?" I ask.

"No, that's the thing.  She was just being nice.  She didn't invite us because of my position.  She had just been promoted by her manager.  She had nothing to gain from playing hostess.  She just wanted to make sure that Emily had a nice time while she was in town.  We spent time with her family and friends.  She's well liked at work, but she's adored at home."

"I get it.  She's sweet as sugar with everyone, but me."  Remembering her interaction with Alex, I decided to find out what Geoff knows about her personal life.  He seems hesitant to share much information, but I persist.

"Well, the last few years have been tough for Alyssa.  She's very committed to her kids.  She's not the type to be hanging out at the bars or a club.  If she's not at work, she's with her boys.  She's beautiful, smart, funny, a wonderful cook and her home is immaculate.   She does a lot of fundraising for local non-profits when she isn't working in a demanding corporate position.  She isn't high-maintenance and wouldn't be constantly bothering her boyfriend when he's at work or spending his money.  We know you hate that type.  Maybe, she's just the woman that you need."

"Are you telling me about her or writing her dating profile?  You're the person who told me that I should never date someone at work.  It's an invitation for sexual harassment cases and the opportunity to be known as the office man-whore."

"I also said that you can make an exception when you find the one.  I only wish that I would have found my Emily sooner.  I wasted so much time living without a personal life.  Take it from your almost retired boss.  Life's too short to live for work.  You need to find a good woman to share your life."

"Great advice, but I don't think it matters.  She seemed very chummy with one of the San Francisco employees.  I suspect that she's already dating someone from work."

"I doubt it, but you would have to ask Alyssa."  Geoff shifts the conversation in a new direction, "I know that you were planning to fly back to New York tomorrow.  Why don't you stay a few more days and spend some time with her next week?  It would also give you a chance to get to know Alex.  He just got that project in London going and he should be back in the US.  He'll be another key to your success."

I ignore the comment about Alex and focus on Geoff.  "Are you sure?  I really wanted to get back to New York and spend some time with you and Emily on Sunday."

"Look.  Don't rush back to New York on my account.  I am sure that Emily will be forcing me to watch some reality TV marathon instead of sports.  I'll be fine lying around the house this weekend with my wife and you should save yourself from reality TV hell.  Figure out this thing with Alyssa next week.  I want you guys to get along.  You have so much in common.  Stop being stubborn and make an effort.  Maybe, you have finally met your match and you just don't know it." Then, Geoff lowered his voice and said, "When you get back, come out to the house and spend the day.  We'll call it a working session and I'll tell Emily to go out and have lunch with her friends.  Make sure that you bring me a bottle of that single malt scotch that I love and a couple of cigars.  My wife's hidden all the good stuff from me."

I glance out of the blinds, I see Alex walking down the hallway.  Maybe, it's time to find out his connection to Alyssa.  I say goodbye to Geoff and promise to bring scotch and cigars next week.  Then, leave my office and start looking for Alex.  I'm sure he's in a hurry for his date, but that's going to have to wait.

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