24-Lead the Way

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As Liz and I walk back to the center of the rotunda, we decide that it's best to not mention the incident in the bathroom to Amir and Alex. I doubt either of them would be willing to let go of the subject easily. The last thing I want to do is spend the evening recounting the details of the confrontation.

As we enter the center of the venue, I make an effort to erase the look of irritation that must be written across my face and replace it with a smile. Spotting Amir and Alex leaning against a pillar near the bar, I broaden my smile and wave in their direction. I glance at Liz on my right and see that she has a similar carefree look on her face. She has perfected her poker face after spending years attending these types of events.

Walking toward the men, we pause to pick up a couple of flutes of champagne as we pass an eager waiter. Taking a sip from my glass to calm my nerves, I slowly make my way across the room toward my waiting escort.  

Alex puts his arm around Liz's waist and pulls her into him giving her a quick peck on the cheek. "You girls certainly took your time. We were about to send out a search party thinking our dates had abandoned us."

Liz laughs but seems to be at a loss for words. So, I respond on her behalf, "Well, you know that the ladies powder room is always the most popular spot at any event. It's where all of the socializing really takes place." I pause and Alex laughs as I continue, "We got a bit caught up in conversations, but eventually, we found our way back. We're all yours now." I add a seductive smile and look over at Amir.

Meeting his eyes, I see a bit of skepticism. Maybe, he isn't quite as easy to fool as Alex. I can see him weighing his options, but he seems to decide to let the subject drop.

Liz takes her queue to jump in. "Let's check out the vintage photo booths. Alex and I had one at our wedding. There's no better souvenir than a strip of silly poses captured in black and white. We need something to help us remember this evening." Liz grabs Alex's hand and pulls him in the direction of the nearest photo booth and motions for us to follow her.

Amir looks at me with a glint in his eye. "By all means, let's take pictures. I don't want you to forget this evening any time soon."

At that moment, I decide what I want. Tonight, I want Amir. I close the gap between us and whisper in his ear. "Even without the pictures, I am sure we can find a way to make this evening unforgettable."

I don't stop to look at the expression on his face. Instead, I follow Liz's lead. I lace my fingers with Amir's and pull him toward the photo booth.

By the time, we make it across the room Liz and Alex are already behind the curtain taking pictures. So, we wait patiently outside the booth. I look for an excuse to stand close to Amir without attracting too much attention. I face him and then close the gap between us as I begin to straighten his tie. I briefly glance up at his face and find his molten stare focused on me. His eyes burn through me until I have to look away.

I don't know if it's the smell of his cologne or the pheromones that seem to be radiating off of him, but I feel almost dizzy. I try my best to give him a coy smile as I enjoy our proximity. I know what I want and think about the best way to bring up spending the night together. I'm not the type of girl who makes this sort of proposal to a colleague. I suddenly feel my heart racing and I feel warmth traveling to my cheeks.

Amir gently lifts my chin so that our eyes connect once more. "Why Alyssa, you seem to be blushing. What are you thinking about?"

I just smile, unsure of how to answer. His eyes are locked on mine and I feel increasingly more uncomfortable. As I struggle to find words, Alex and Liz emerge from the booth providing a much-needed distraction.

We turn toward them and Liz flashes us their photo strips. "I'm so glad we took these before we left. Alex and I are going to head back to our hotel now. We rarely get an evening to ourselves and I want to enjoy having my husband all to myself tonight." She gives me a quick hug and makes me promise to call her tomorrow. I watch as Liz and Alex disappear into the crowd and I realize that they just left me alone with Amir.

I turn to Amir and display my best flirty smile. "Care to join me in the photo booth?"

Amir steps forward and pulls open the curtain. "Absolutely."

We spend a moment sitting in the darkened photo booth planning our poses. Then, I realize that the drape provides privacy from prying eyes that we have been missing all evening. As the camera starts, we lean into each other smiling. Then, I decided to be bold. I use his tie to pull him toward me as I plant a playful peck on his cheek for the camera.

He turns his face toward me and a sudden intensity seems to take over as he captures my lips with his own. I part my lips and his tongue finds mine. He slips his hand behind my neck and deepens our kiss. It feels like the air has been sucked from the room, but he's all I need. The kiss isn't slow or gentle and there's a passion behind it that's hard to ignore.

We kiss through seemingly endless flashes of the photo booth. I realize that my hand is resting on the start button and dozens of strips are probably waiting for us outside of the booth. I break our kiss and then I rest my forehead against his looking into his eyes as the flashes finally stop.

Out of breath, I whisper, "Where do we go from here?"

"There's a limo outside waiting for us. Maybe, we should explore that question outside of the gala."

"Lead the way."

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