7-This Isn't Kindergarten

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My anger was threatening to boil over on the drive home. How dare Amir treat me that way! I was so mad that I didn't even call Amy or my Mom on the way home to see who was still at my house. I just stopped at the store and bought enough ingredients to make pasta for a small third world country. The time alone helped and the grocery store could almost qualify as retail therapy. I stopped in the bakery and bought several dessert options. After everything that happened, I deserved to eat cake.  

Driving through the gates of my community, I finally felt myself calming down. It's not like I haven't worked with difficult people in the past. It just always makes work more challenging. I am disappointed that Amir isn't more like Geoff. He always spoke so fondly of Amir. I know that Geoff was Amir's mentor and it always felt like they also had a close personal relationship. I can't imagine Geoff spending time with someone who is such an ass. Maybe, I bring out the worst in Amir.

I pull into my garage and grab the first round of grocery bags. Then, I head into the house and find my Mom and Amy in the kitchen making snacks.

"Hey. You're home. I was worried that you got stuck at work late. Do you want a margarita or glass of wine?" Amy asks.

"I'm making pasta for dinner, so I will go with the glass of wine. Maybe, I should go with the whole bottle after my day." I say as I start unpacking the groceries and getting things ready to make dinner.

Suddenly, I feel wet, cold arms wrap around me. "What's up Momma Leclerc?" My son's friend, Tanner squeezes me into a tight bear hug. He is as tall as me and this little linebacker can squeeze the life out of you. Then, the back door opens and I am engulfed by a half a dozen young teen boys including my own sons. They are all fresh out of the pool, dripping wet and happily giving me hugs. I'm pretty sure they trying to see how wet they can get me. On a normal day, I would stop this little game. Today, I am happy to get the hugs even if they are wet and cold and ruining my work dress. It's a good reminder that life isn't always easy, but I am very blessed.

The boys bring in the rest of the groceries for me and I start on dinner. Then, they head back out to the backyard and I hear the familiar sound of their cannonballs splashing water out of the pool.

Amy pours me a glass of wine and my mom starts filling me in on their day. Then, I hear the front door open, some barking and what sounds like the laughter of babies. I turn to my Mom and Amy. "I forgot to tell you the good news. Liz and Alex are back and they are coming by with the girls for dinner."

Liz rounds the corner with a baby on each hip and my dog trailing after her. "We're back from London!" She announces. I drop what I am doing and give Liz a big hug. Then, I grab my sweet goddaughters who are still squealing with delight at the site of Cocoa. I spread kisses all over their sweet faces. I missed them so much!

"I am so happy to see you guys in person. Video chat is just not the same." I look around and ask, "Where's Alex?"

Liz hugs my Mom and Amy and then starts explaining. "He was delayed at the office and just started his drive home. He'll be here pretty late."

"Really? He was on his way to his client meeting around two. Why did he leave the city so late?" I ask.

"I guess the meeting went well and he came back to the office to have legal review the signed contracts before he confirmed the project start date. Then, the new boss saw him and wanted to talk." Liz grabbed some ingredients and started making the salad for dinner.

"You have got to be kidding! Amir made him leave the office late?" All of the calmness that I managed to gather on my way home is suddenly dissolving. "He knew that I had plans to spend time with Alex tonight and he delayed him on purpose. This was a way to get even with me. It's just a way to show me that he is in charge and can do what he wants."

"What do you mean?" Liz asks.

I start from the beginning and recount all of the details of my day related to Amir while my mom and Amy hold the babies and I make dinner. "I just don't get him. He rude and inconsiderate in the morning. Then, I tried to give him a second chance. The apology didn't go the way that I planned. Then, I saw him sitting by himself during lunch. He looked a bit sad, like the new kid at school. He didn't quite fit in with the rest of the group. I brought him lunch as a peace offering and things seemed to be looking up. A few hours later, we were right back where we started as we got in that final fight on my way out the door. When I finally think that I have the upper hand, he tries to ruin my 'dinner date' by delaying Alex. What did he talk with Alex about that was so urgent?"

Liz smiles at me and says, "Alex can tell you more when he gets here, but most of the conversation was focused on getting to know more about Alex's personal life and learning more about you. The boss didn't seem to be aware that Alex was happily married.  Amir seemed to be trying to figure out if you and Alex were a couple. After he found out that we are all good friends, the conversation took a big turn and he started trying to dig up information about your personal life."

"I don't get it. Why would he care? I seem to irritate him as much as he irritates me. You would think that he would just leave me alone and let me do my job." As I think about my day, I realize that I don't get this guy at all. It's like he is actually going out of his way to start drama.

"Maybe, he thinks that you are this hot, sexy redhead. Someone, who isn't just some dumb bimbo that you pick up at a bar. Someone who is smart and charismatic and kind. Maybe, he is interested in getting to know you outside of work. That's what it seemed like when I talked with Alex." Liz declared. Everyone else seemed to nod and agree with her assessment.

"You guys, this isn't kindergarten. Boys don't pull your hair and call you names when they like you. We are beyond that stage in our lives. If you were in the office today, you would realize that he doesn't like me. In fact, I think he hates me. My opinion of him isn't too much better. He is just this infuriating person that I am going to have to deal with at work." I utter in frustration before I move on to a different subject.

I try to forget about Amir and the rest of the night is wonderful. There is nothing better than a spending a warm summer night eating and drinking with friends and family. I enjoy every moment, but in the back of my mind, I think about work and how my job just became a lot more difficult. I am going to have to figure out how to work with Amir without wanting to rip his head off. I guess that I will start working on that on Monday.

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