25-Only One Night to Give

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As we exit the gala, Amir calls the limo driver and instructs him to pick us up in front of the venue. Taking my hand, he leads me down the steps toward the street as my tummy starts to flip-flop. I can't help but feel a little nervous, as Amir helps me into the limo. Leaving the crowds behind, we won't be constrained by appearances.

After speaking with the driver, Amir enters the limo and opens the bottle of champagne waiting for us in the wet bar. Pouring a glass for each of us, he pauses to close the privacy partition of the limo.  

"We are finally alone. I've been waiting for this all evening." He says, flashing me a sexy grin.

I take a sip of my champagne and watch as we pass the street for Amir's hotel. The driver seems to be headed in another direction. I look out the window in confusion, "Where are we going?"

He moves to the seat next to me and puts his arm around me. "I thought it would be nice to spend a little more time together. We have champagne and snacks and privacy. The driver promised to take us to a spot with the best views of the city."

He takes both of our glasses and puts them aside. Then, he leans in and places a gentle kiss on my lips. I can smell the spice of his aftershave and I reach up and cup his cheek running my hand over his stubble. I lean into him and kiss him deeply while running my hands through his hair. Amir puts his arms around me and pulls me into a close embrace. I can't seem to resist his kisses which become needier with every passing moment.

As I begin to feel breathless, I feel the limo slow down and come to a stop. The driver's voice comes over the intercom letting us know that we have arrived. Amir breaks the kiss and rests his forehead against mine. He stares intensely into my eyes as if he is searching for something.

"I suppose we should get out and enjoy the view, but doubt it's more beautiful than the one that I have right here." His eyes smolder with desire.

"We've come all this way. We should probably at least take a look at the skyline." I say with a smile.

We make our way out of the limo with the champagne in hand. The view from this vantage point is breathtaking. The night is clear and lights of the city glitter in the distance.

I shiver slightly and Amir takes off his jacket and places it over my shoulders. Then, he wraps his arms around me and holds me to his chest as we look out into the distance. "It's a beautiful spot. I think your driver deserves a big tip for finding it."

"If it bought me a little extra time with you, the big tip will be worth it. I'm happy that you spent this evening with me. It means more to me than you know." He traces circles onto my back with one of his hands.   He pauses for a moment as if he is in deep thought.   "I know that I might be ruining this perfect moment, but are we ever going to talk about New York and what's going on between us."

I sigh, "I know we need to talk about it. We both know that there's this attraction between us. I can't deny that it exists, but I don't date colleagues. It's not just that.  I've been avoiding relationships altogether since my husband died."

"I understand. I've never dated colleagues either. When I first started with DNT, I slept with a client contact on my project. Geoff found out and he gave me an ultimatum. If I wanted to have him as a mentor, I could never repeat that mistake. No sleeping with DNT employees or clients. I promised him that it would never happen again and I've kept my word."

I look at him with confusion. "So, you haven't been trying to seduce me?"

"Not intentionally, but I can't resist when you're around. All I think about is touching you and being close to you. I feel so distracted."

"I feel the same. Sometimes, you make me so mad and other times I feel so drawn to you. I feel like I'm not myself when you're in the office."

Amir looks deeply into my eyes and admits, "For me, it's more than that. It's not just when I'm around you. I think about you all the time. You've been the subject of my dreams every night since New York."

I arch my eyebrow and smile. "Why Mr. Khadem are you saying that you've been having naughty dreams about me? What would Geoff think about that?"

"I know it's hard to believe, but I think Geoff wanted us to get together. In our last conversation before he died, we talked about you. I was angry at you at the time and he was trying to tell me that you are amazing. He thought you were my perfect match, but I wasn't ready to listen. Now that I know you, I think we could be great together."

I feel my heart sinking. "Amir, I can't date you. My life's too complicated and it just wouldn't work. Instead of dating, we should find another way to get rid of all of this tension between us."

A shadow of frustration crossed Amir's face. "What are you proposing?"

"I think we should spend the night together. I'll give you the chance to recreate all of your naughty dreams with me, but it can only be one night. We can have fun and get it out of our system. Then, we go back to being colleagues. No strings and no repeat performances."

"I doubt one night will be enough. I want more."

I look into his eyes and feel regret. "One night is all I have to give."

"Let's get back to my hotel room." He says, taking my hand and leading back toward the limo.

"We haven't finished the bottle of champagne."

"If I only have one night with you, I don't want to waste a minute of it."

Now that we've decided to spend the night together, I want to pick up where we left off in the limo. Instead, Amir uses the limo ride to tease me. Pulling me onto his lap, he lightly runs his fingers over the skin exposed by my dress. He gently kisses my neck and continues the path down my shoulder and arm and finishes my placing a single kiss on my hand. Sitting on his lap, I can feel how much he wants me.

Despite his desire, Amir seems to be holding back. It only makes me want him more. I crave his deep, passionate kisses from earlier in the evening. Instead, the kisses he gives me are soft and gentle. I yearn to have him to explore my body. He kisses my neck again with a feathery light touch. I shift in his lap hoping for more attention. Slowly and tenderly, he runs his fingers up and down my exposed leg. He whispers to me to be patient and tells me that he will make the wait worthwhile.

By the time we arrive at the hotel, my desire is off the charts. I find myself pulling him through the lobby toward the elevator. Catching his eye, I can't help laughing as I drag him past the front desk. I'm almost giddy when we enter the empty elevator and begin our ascent.

I take charge and pin him against the wall of the elevator. I run my hands up his body feeling his hard muscular body through his clothes. Instead of waiting for him to kiss me, I run my hand up his chest and then snake it around his neck and pull him down to me for a hungry kiss.

Suddenly, a bell dings and the doors to the elevator open. An older woman steps onto the elevator with an ice bucket and looks at us with disgust. She presses the button for the next floor and mutters something about loose morals and a suggestion that we learn to keep it in the bedroom. A moment later the doors open. She takes a second to mumble something about inappropriate behavior under her breath. With a final disapproving look on her face, she quickly vacates elevator disappearing down the hall.

I look up at Amir and I can see a smile starting to crack cross his face. He pulls me closer and buries his face into my shoulder as we start hysterically laughing before resuming our kiss.

Alyssa's Second Chance [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now