27-What Was I Thinking?

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I wake up in a haze to a bright sliver of light shining directly on my face. I feel like snuggling down further into the soft warm covers and going back to sleep when the weight of something at my waist stops me. I slowly open my eyes and find a muscular arm resting around my waist and the previous evening comes rushing back. I spent the night with Amir and I'm still in his bed.

What was I thinking? I look over at the alarm clock and it's half past seven. I feel the familiar feeling of panic rising up inside of me. I have to get out of here and get home. I can hear Amir's heavy, rhythmic breaths and I can tell that he's still asleep. I very gently lift his arm and carefully roll toward the end of the bed.  

Luckily, my belongings are all together in the corner of the room. After my failed attempt to leave him last night, it seemed like a good idea to pack up my gala clothes and make sure my casual clothes were easy to access. Somehow, I didn't really believe that he would happily walk me to my car in the morning. He doesn't seem like the type of person that gives up that easily.

I tiptoe over to my things while making sure that I stay as quiet as a mouse. I don't brush my teeth or hair. I just quickly put on some clothes and grab my bag. After taking two steps toward the door, I realize that I don't hear his heavy breathing and turn to glance at the bed.

Amir is sitting up in bed and winks at me. "Morning beautiful! All dressed for our sunrise breakfast, I see."

Damn. Why is he such a light sleeper? I need to leave. Not just to save me from the humiliation of throwing myself at him last night. I really do have to get home and I can't be late.

I muster my most apologetic look, "Amir, I'm sorry. We slept in and I don't have time for breakfast anymore. I have people who are meeting me at my house at nine and I can't be late."

I take another couple of steps toward the door. I don't get far before he slips his arm around my waist.

Taking my bag from my shoulder, he turns me toward him and pulls me into an embrace. "This is beginning to feel like Déjàvu. Why do you keep running from me?"

I can't help but notice his pretty impressive morning wood only covered by those tight fitting boxer briefs. For a moment, my thoughts go to a very different place. It takes all of my self-control bring myself back to the topic at hand.

I sigh and try to explain, "Look, I'm really not running from you. I have to be home by nine to meet an army of people who will be doing work on my house today. They were scheduled earlier in the week, but I had to unexpectedly go into the office. So, I had to reschedule for today. They were nice enough to be accommodating and I can't cancel again. Please just let me leave without making it difficult."

He looks me in the eyes and I can see that he's figured out what to do next. "I'm not an unreasonable guy. How about joining me for a coffee and pastry downstairs for a few minutes and then I'll send you on your way?"

"Amir, I really can't. I live an hour and a half from here and it's nearly a quarter to eight. Even if I speed the entire way and don't hit any traffic, I might not make it home in time. I don't have a minute to spare. I need to leave now."

"I'm a gentleman. After an amazing night, a gentleman always takes his lady to breakfast. Sharing meal after spending the night together is important. It shows that I respect you. I have to take you out for a meal. If you don't have time for breakfast, let me take you to dinner tonight."

I can see that I'm not winning this argument and I really have to leave if I have a prayer of reaching home by nine. "OK, you win. I live all the way out in Napa. If you want to drive all the way out there, you can take me to dinner. I'll text you my address.  If it's just too far to drive, I understand.  I'll take a rain check."

Picking his phone up off the table, he hands it to me. "Napa is beautiful. I'll pick you up tonight. Put your address into my phone. I don't want to take the chance that you'll forget to text me later."

I smile coyly. "Who, me? Forget to send you my address? It's almost like you don't trust me."

I look up and see his face is serious. His eyes express his hurt. "You have run out on me a few times now."

I realize that I really like this guy. I can't date him, but I need to end things well. "OK. I'm sorry for that. I will gladly go to dinner with you tonight. Napa is pretty far from the city. So, why don't you stay at my house tonight? I don't want you to drive all the way back to the hotel if it gets late."

He smiles and hands me my bag. "Deal. I'll see you later, sweetheart."

He walks me to the door and kisses my cheek. I walk out of the room wondering exactly how I ended up making dinner plans with Amir. I even invited him to stay at my house tonight. What was I thinking?

Alyssa's Second Chance [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now