36-In My Arms

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My heart feels a little lighter as we drive toward the first stop on my list of favorite local wineries. I don't know if Amir understands how much I needed to hear those words. I always believed that dating someone would mean that I would have to pack away all my memories of David into a hidden corner of my mind. I've been worried that I would have to censor my stories to exclude David and my children would forget all the great times that we had with their father. I glance at Amir and see acceptance and understanding on his face. He seems to be destroying the barriers that I have built around myself to avoid dating. I'm not quite ready to get into a relationship, yet. Maybe, that will change. For now, I want to enjoy this beautiful day with the sweet, sexy man sitting in my passenger seat.

As I drive by the thriving vineyards, I see the gates to of one of the oldest wineries in the county. Large, lush trees surround the property and seem to frame the endless vines. I guide my car down the long, gravel driveway lined with beautiful wildflowers and vines. Slowly, the fresh, white outline of the tasting room appears around the bend. I pull into a parking space near the front of the parking lot and turn off the engine.

It's such a beautiful day. I take in a big breath of the country air. The sun is warm, but the air still smells crisp and clean. I can't help, but smile. This is my happy place. I turn and look over at Amir and he is watching me with a huge grin on his face.  

"What?" I say with shrug and a smile, "I can't help it. I've always been a country girl at heart."

Amir leans in and gives me a gentle kiss that quickly turns into more. Leaning toward me, he places his hand behind my neck and slowly pulls me forward closing the distance between us. Our tongues tangle as he gently strokes my hair and runs his hands down my back and begins to pull me closer. When I am on the edge of my seat, a shrill whistle interrupts our kiss.

I look up to find the patriarch of this winery family leaned against my car with his arms crossed and a big smile on his face. "If it isn't Ms. Alyssa LeClerc canoodling in her car with a stranger." He opens my door and takes my hand pulling me out of the car and into a big hug.

"Hey, Ted. It's good to see you." I feel the blood rush to my cheeks and I give him a shy smile as Amir gets out of the car and joins my side. "Let me introduce you to Amir. Amir, this Ted Richardson. His family are some of the first people that I met after I moved to Napa. The Richardsons have supported my charity events for years. They've also been there for my family through all life's ups and downs."

Amir extends his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ted. It sounds like your family is really important to Alyssa."

"I like to think so. We've always had a soft spot for Alyssa." Ted's eyes sparkled with a bit of mischief. "It's nice to see Alyssa out having some fun. My wife is going to be upset that she missed her opportunity for matchmaking. We've five sons and two of them are still playing the field. They need a good woman to make them settle down."

"Well, you know that's not going to be me. I love your family, but I'm not dating either of your sons." I say with a giggle. "Besides, I heard that Jonathan's getting better since he retired from football. He's working here, right? I heard that he stopped hanging around the groupies finally found himself a girlfriend."

Ted runs his hand over his beard. "Let's just say, I can't imagine her making it to Thanksgiving dinner." Ted looks around and lowers his voice. "Jonathan invited her to dinner a few weeks ago. She came out here dressed for a club with spiked heels and a dress that barely covered her business. She's a party girl who wants to be with a celebrity. Jonathan needs to leave that scene and take a more active role in the business."

I pat him on arm. "Sometimes injured athletes have a hard time growing up and moving on, but eventually they figure it out. Give him some time and he'll come around."

Alyssa's Second Chance [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now