22-Champagne and Chocolate

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I've spent an hour loyally standing with Amir introducing him to our employees.  He's kept me close to him discretely keeping his hand on the small of my back while he makes conversation.  I've tried to ignore the warmth of his hand and the spicy and masculine smell of his aftershave.  When he's spoken to me it's been by leaning over and gently whispering in my ear.  Each time, I feel his light stubble brush my cheek and I can't help but breathe in his scent more deeply.  I don't know if he's been trying to draw me in, but with each passing moment thought more and more about the conversation that I had with Liz.  Could I really put aside my rules for just one night and allow myself to get him out of my system? 

His close proximity is making it difficult to think, so I take a break from the conversation by heading to the bar for a glass of champagne.  Looking across the room, I see Amir surrounded by employees eagerly trying to jockey for his time and attention.  It's obvious that Amir doesn't need my help with networking in this crowd.  He seems to be deep in conversation, but for an instant, he looks up and our eyes meet.  In that moment, all the people surrounding us seem to fade away and I feel drawn to him.  I need to decide if I am going to take Liz's advice, but first I need spend time with him and decide if it's worth the risk. 

I make my way back to Amir as he follows me with his eyes like I am the only person in the room.   I return to his side and hand him a drink from the bar.  I look into his eyes as our hands make contact around the glass, I can't quite put my finger on the underlying emotion coming to the surface.  Could it be longing?  Is it desire? 

I turn to the group surrounding Amir and size up the crowd surrounding Amir.  I realize that it's mostly our executive team.   I apply some guilt and encourage them to circulate through the room and congratulate our employees on their successes.   They should be working the room instead of clumped together competing for Amir's attention, but I have my own selfish reasons for wanting them to circulate. 

As the crowd disperses, I smile at him and raise my glass in a toast.  "To time alone spent getting to know the real Amir Khadem."

He puts his arm around me and gently touches my glass with his own. "What do you have in mind?"

My mind races and I think of all of the ways that I would like to get to know him.  I feel a shiver move through my body.  "Let's start with dancing and see where the evening takes us."  I take his hand and pull him toward the loud music emanating from the far side of the venue. 

Leaving the calmness of the rotunda behind, the flashing lights and blaring music greet us as we enter the next room.  I quickly scan the room and find most of my team on display in the center of the room.  As I pull on Amir's hand, I feel his hesitation before we make it to the dance floor.  I turn and look back at him with my best questioning expression. 

He pulls me toward him.  He places our glasses on the tray of a passing waiter and pulls me close to him.  Lightly brushing my hair to the side he leans in close to my ear and teases, "Didn't you just tell my executive team that they needed to spend the rest of the night talking with our employees?"

"That advice was for them, but I think you need to have a little fun.  Come dance with me." With my best attempt at a sexy smile, I begin walking backward onto the dance floor.  I beckon him forward with my left hand while grabbing his hand with my right and pulling him in my direction.

"It's quite a double standard, but that's ok.  Lead the way."

We navigate the crowd gravitating toward the middle of the floor.  Amir holds my hand tightly like his lifeline.   The floor was packed with people gyrating to the fast-paced music.  I pull Amir into me and we join the mob of dancers.  With each song, the floor becomes more crowded and we move closer together until our bodies touch with every sway of my hips.   The heat of the dance floor is suffocating and my heart is racing. 

We dance to several songs like this.  Moving closer and closer to each other with each song.  Then, the music suddenly changes and a slow song drifts across the room.  The crowd suddenly thins as most of the dancers exit the dance floor.  I look into Amir's eyes and he silently takes my hand and pulls me into his body for the slow dance. 

I stare into his almost hypnotic eyes as our bodies instinctively move together to the music.  It feels like the room has melted away and the only thing I can see is the magnificent man before me.  I feel his arm around my waist and my hand in his, but it doesn't feel like enough contact.  I feel this magnetic pull to be closer to this man.  Staring into his eyes, I can see he feels the same.  It's like we are the only people in the room.

In an instant, I look around and realize that the slow song is over.  The music is fast-paced and I'm not sure if it has been that way for seconds or minutes.  The crowd is drifting back to the dance floor and I realize that our moment is over.  Our excuse for closeness is ruined and I feel nothing but disappointment.  I think about the advice Liz gave me earlier.  Maybe, an evening with Amir is just what I need to get him out of my system.  

Taking Amir's hand, I lead him from the dance floor.  Leaning in close as I suggest, "Dancing was fun, but let's see what else this gala has to offer.  I hear there's a chocolate fountain around here somewhere."

He laces his fingers in mine and looks at me with a smile "Then, we need to find that fountain."

It takes just a couple of minutes to find the extensive dessert bar with a large chocolate fountain as the centerpiece.  "This was my only personal request.   I gave the planning committee control of most of the decisions, but I made them add a chocolate fountain for me."

Stepping forward he adds a strawberry to a skewer and drizzles it with chocolate before gently placing it on my lips.  "I see the appeal of the fountain.  I'm glad you insisted."  

Taking turns feeding each other feels more intimate than it should in public.  Amir is feeding me a cookie dipped in chocolate when I hear my name being called.  I turn to find Liz and Alex have joined us. 

Liz arches her eyebrow and turns to Alex and Amir, "I need to visit the loo and you know that women can never go by themselves.  I'll need to borrow Alyssa for a few minutes." 

Knowing it's useless to resist Liz when she has her mind set on something, I leave Amir's side and walk with her in search of a bathroom.  As soon as we round the corner, Liz lets out a sigh.  "I know that I told you to get him out of your system, but couldn't you save it for his hotel room?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I saw the scene on the dance floor and your seduction at the chocolate fountain.   I was waiting for him to lick the chocolate off your lips."

"I have chocolate on my lips?"

"No, but that's not the point.  You need to get him out of your system, but be discreet.  Even Alex noticed that you and Amir have something going on between you.  You know Alex is an idiot when it comes to romance, so it must be pretty obvious."

"Fine.  I promise to be more discreet."

"That's all I ask.  Now that I've given you my advice, let's find the loo.  If I don't find one soon, I might explode."  

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