17-The Red Dress

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Amir's Point of View

As she slowly opens the door, I am struck by her beauty and vulnerability.   Like a wild creature, I see a bit of fear in her eyes.   I don't know if she fears me or fears herself around me.  When we are alone like this, she always seems like a bird ready to fly away at moment's notice when the fear becomes too much.    

She is willing to let me help her, but she seems hesitant to trust me completely.  As much as I would like to convince her to drop that dress and join me in bed before the gala, this feels like a test.   I want to prove to her that I want more than just her body. 

Holding the dress to breasts, she slowly turns to reveal her back.  Her long hair cascades over her back and I use my hands to brush it to the side over her shoulder.  I allow myself to look at her creamy, ivory skin and I instantly feel my pants constricting me. 

My eyes travel down from her shoulders to the middle of her back and meet a white scar nearly the thickness of her spine.  It continues from the middle of her back and disappears where it meets the top of her black lace panties.   A quote is written on the top of the scar in a small grey script.   Instead of covering the scar, the tattoo highlights it.  I make out the words and wonder what they mean.  'She conquered her demons and wore her scars like wings.' I can't help, but touch the scar and run my fingers down her spine.  I feel her shiver and it brings me back to my task at hand. 

I remember that I need to earn her trust.  I look away from her exposed skin and concentrate on connecting the hook at the top of the dress.  Then, with great restraint, I carefully zip up her dress covering the scar and tattoo completely.  With my hand still at the top of the dress, I can feel her exhale.  I realize that she's been holding her breath and I hope that it was to help the dress zip easier and not because she was nervous to have me close to her. 

With the zipper secured, she slowly turns around and the result is breathtaking.  Her shoulders are bare and the strapless dress is suspended by her shapely breasts.   The red sequined dress hugs her curves. One side of the dress has a slit provides a peek at one of her long, toned legs.  

"Wow.  You take my breath away."  I tell her with a smile.  I hope she knows that's not just flattery.  I don't think I have ever wanted a woman more.  Everything about her is perfection and that dress just shows off what I already know.   I want to stand and continue to stare at her, but I can see that she's feeling uncomfortable again.  "I'll give you a couple of minutes to finish getting ready and then we can head down to dinner.  I made reservations at the restaurant in the hotel.  I hear the food is great."   

With great restraint, I leave the bathroom and give her a moment to herself.  When she emerges from the bathroom, she is wearing a pair of heels and has a small evening bag in her hand.  I watch as she drops the bag that held her evening clothes in the corner of the room.  She smiles and asks, "Is it OK to leave my bag here until after the gala?"

"Of course." I hope my voice didn't sound too eager as I said it.  If she leaves her bag here, I know that she won't be able to leave me in the middle of the event.  I don't want her to flee again like she did after Geoff's funeral.  Maybe, the bag will be an excuse to come back to my room and spend the night.    

I offer her my arm and ask, "Are you hungry for dinner?"

She smiles and responds, "I'm starving."

As we walk into the hallway, she seems to relax.  As we wait for the elevator, I tell her about the restaurant that I selected.  Their specialty is great cocktails and small plates.  It's upscale and trendy enough for our attire, but not too stuffy.  Alyssa seems happy with my choice and spends elevator ride telling me about a restaurant in Napa that focuses on a similar concept. 

The service is prompt and the hostess walks us toward a small booth at the back of the restaurant.  As we walk to our table, every guy in the restaurant seems to turn and stare at Alyssa in that red dress.   Instinctively, I place my hand on her lower back and guide her toward our table.  I don't think I've ever felt more possessive of a date.  I'm not normally the jealous type, but this feels different.  I want to make it clear that she's with me and she's taken.  

She scoots into the booth and I follow sitting close beside her.   The hostess leaves us with menus and a wine list and I use them as an excuse to lean in a bit closer and lay my arm behind on the edge of the booth.  I haven't put this much effort into getting close to a girl since high school.  After we select a bottle of wine and some dishes to get started she leans back in the booth noticing my arm for the first time.  I expect her to move away from me, but instead, she just smiles. 

There's so much that I want to know about this woman.   I know this is my opportunity.  So, I start with the question that's the most obvious.  "Tell me about the tattoo on your back.  What's the significance of the quote?"

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