32 - You are my miracle.

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Everything is dark. I don't know why. I can't open my eyes. Or move my hands. Or my feet. Or any part of my body. I hear slight voices. They are far away. Like i am underwater and they are at the surface. Everything is muffled.
I feel myself getting a bit closer to the surface. The voices get louder and i nearly can make out words.
I get even closer and then suddenly everything goes wrong.

We all are in Tris room. I smile at her. Dr jamson said that her brain activity is at about 1500 percent. And he said that if she is going to wake up then it is with in the next week.
Suddenly tris heart monitor starts beating faster and louder. Everyone in the room stares at it. Then tris even starts choking as if she doesn't get any air. I look at her in shock. What is happening? What is going on? She chokes harder and her heart beat gets even faster.
Only two seconds later about five nurses together with dr jamson run into the room. Dr jamson pushes me aside and tells all of us to stand back. I lean at the wall for support. Chris is clutching wills arm so tightly that her fingers get white but will just stares at tris. Shauna holds lya tightly towards her chest while zeke has one arm draped around her shoulder. Mar has her arms around uris hips and he pulls her towards him. Lynn, Jonas and i just stare at the scene infront of us.
Dr jamson slowly gets out the tube in tris mouth. Once its out tris slowly stops choking and her heart beat gets slower. Dr jamson places the pretty long tube on a small portable table together with the instrument he used for that.
"What happend?" Will is the first to speak. Dr jamson turns around and he smiles? Why would he smile? "This is a good thing. It might have looked scary but what just happend is that tris woke up so much that she can breath on her own now. Look." He turns side ways and points at tris. And sure enough her stomach goes up and down - breathing. Her mouth is open and she breaths. She breaths on her own! On her own! Once i realised that a huge grin settles on my face. She breaths on her own. I rush to her side and kiss her hand. Oh god i was so scared. So so scared. I press her hand between my own and hold to them tightly. I thought she would die. That everything i reached by now was worth nothing. I feel tears in my eyes but dont let them fall. She is breathing on her own.


A few days later:
We all are in tris room again. Four days since she started breathing on her own. Four days since my heart light up with hope.
We all just sit around and eat our lunch. We laugh and talk and uri even cracks a few jokes. I laugh and take a fork of noodles. "Nice one dude!" Zeke laughs and throws a pea at uri. Uri laughs harder.
I look at tris. As dr jamson said her brain activity has increased about 50 percent every day till now. I am so happy.
I take her small hand in mine. I even got the feeling that she got warmer. I turn back to my food and notice that jonas is glaring at me. He should just stop that! Tris is mine. He was just... i don't know what he was. I surely hope that tris will choose me when she woke up.
I take another fork full of food. "Hey zeke what should-" i stop in the middle of my sentence and stare at my hand. Everyone falls quiet and stares at me. "What happend?" Christina asks. "I think i felt..." i feel it again. "Tris hand moved!" I say and stare at her. "Oh my god!" Shauna suddenly says. "Her foot just twitched!" We all stare at tris. Now she even moves some muscles in her face. Her eyes stay closed though. Her hand twitches again and then even her whole leg. We all don't move. None of us even breaths. Then tris slowly starts moving even more and then slowly her eyes open.
Someone slams the 'nurse' button and someone starts crying but i can only look at these eyes. These blue-grey eyes that i fell in love with. That followed me into my dreams and that i love so much. And these eyes just look at me and then tris says her first word after five months of coma and for me it is the best word in the world: "Tobias." Her voice is only a whisper but everyone can still hear it. And then i crash down. Tears spill out of my eyes and i can't stop them. They wet my face, my shirt, my pants but i dont care. I carefully take tris hand in mine and kiss the palm of her hand. "Oh god tris!" I say and then i just carefully hug her. Her weak small arms wrap around my shoulders and i cry into her shoulder. "I am sorry tris. For everything. It was all my fault. I still love you." The last thing i whisper so only she can hear it.
Then the door slides open and a nurse i don't know steps in. When she sees what is going on she gasps and gets out a weird thing and types something on it. Then she walks over to tris. "Hello i am charly. Can you tell me your name?" The nurse asks and smiles kindly. I pull away a bit and smile at tris. She is awake and alive! She is with me again!

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