48 - Reunion

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I ruffle my hair and pace up and down the apartment.

I still hear Tris quiet sobs in the bathroom. They are like a torture for me. But I just needed some space. Just a few minutes to wrap my mind around everything that happened.

She kissed another boy, but she was really drunk and she thought it was me... 

I know that I can't stay mad at her for a long time anyways...

But it still hurts. I don't know how I should feel. Shouldn't I feel betrayed? Shouldn't I cry?

But all I feel is anger. White rage on this boy. He took advantage of her. She was drunk! Who makes out with a drunk girl? Who does something like that?

I clench my fists. Okay no. I have to calm down. He probably was as drunk. They were all drunk. Its a game in which you are supposed to get drunk after all.

I ruffle my hair again.

I focus my concentration towards the bathroom again. I don't hear Tris sobs anymore. Instead I now hear the shower running.

That is defiantly better. I hate knowing that she is sad. Then I am sad myself. 

I nearly roll my eyes at myself. When did I become so cheesy? I have to smile a bit.

I take a deep breath and slowly walk towards the bathroom again.

I softly knock. "Tris?"

No answer.

I knock again. "Tris can we please talk?"

Still no answer. I start to get worried. "Tris! Open the door! Come on!" I frown and jolt the doorknob. 

Still no answer. I pound my fists against the door. "Tris! Please! Open the door!" 

I jump against it once. Twice. 

Just when i want to do it again the door opens. Tris stands in the doorway. She is soaking wet but still wears her clothes. 

"I am sorry." She whispers. 

I run towards her and wrap my arms around her.

Her small but strong arms wrap around me and she holds onto me for dear life.

"I am sorry Tobias. So so sorry. It is all my fault. I destroyed everything." "Stop." I interupt her softly.

"You didn't destroy anything. You can't get rid of me that easily."

When she still doesn't smile i take her face in my hands. "I love you Tris. I just needed a few minutes. I didn't mean to scare you. I won't leave that easily."

I press my lips on hers before she even gets the chance to say something. Her wet hand lies in my neck and she pulls me down to her.

"I am sorry. I  have no right to cry. I am behaving stupid. I shouldn't..." I simply cut her of with my lips.

Whatever she wanted to say gets muffled by my lips.

"Tris," I say firmly. "everything is alright. I mean I'm going to kill this Sam boy and I might be even more overprotective than before but I still love you. As I said: It needs more than such a small thing to change that."

With tears in her eyes she presses her lips to mine again.

"I love you too." She whispers against my lips.

I smile and deepen the kiss a bit. She allows it gratefully.

"I was so scared that you would hate me now. I couldn't have lived with myself. I thought you would hate me."

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